Saturday, July 31, 2021
Why Over 90% of Internet Startups Fail Today
Friday, July 30, 2021
The Effective Way For Collecting Email Addresses
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Starting a Business - Do What You Love and Love What You Do
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
6 Payment Offers That Sell Like Crazy
The way you structure your payment offers can increase your
sales. I'm not talking about the way people pay like credit
cards, digital payments, checks, and cash options. What I'm
taking about is can your customers try before they buy, pay
later, make payments, do they get a rebate, etc. Below are
six payment offers that will sell like your products or services
like crazy:
1. Sample It
Offer your customers a free sample or short version of your
product or service. Your sample should give them only a few
benefits of the full version. This will entice them to purchase
the full version to get the total benefits.
2. Name Your Price
Offer customers a choice of want they can pay for your product
or service. List your original product and price then add another
product with it for a little higher price. Your orders will increase
buy letting the customers choose their price.
3. Free To Try
Offer your customers a free trial of your product or service.
You could offer the free trial for 5 to 30 days. This is showing
them that you have confidence in your product or service and
it will sell itself.
4. Give A Little Back
Offer your customers a cash back rebate after they buy your
product or service. I feel a good rebate would be a least 10%
of their purchase price or higher. This will increase your sales
and, like most of us, they will forget to turn in the rebate.
5. Pay Later
Offer your customers the choice of being billed later for their
purchase. Bill them in a few weeks or a month. This will stop
you from losing customers who can't afford to purchase your
product or service at that time.
6. Little At A Time
Offer your customers the option of paying you a little at a time
for your product or service. You could divide up the purchase
price into bi-weekly or monthly payments. You won't lose
customers that may not be able to pay the full amount at that
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
This Is What Makes A Home Based Internet Business Profitable
Monday, July 26, 2021
Three Reasons Not To Sweat Over Your Ability To Give Networking Referrals
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Stop Making Excuses: Improve Your Business, Increase Your Profits
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Don't Rely On Social Security For Your Retirement Security
Friday, July 23, 2021
Why Nothing Has Happened With Your Home Based Business Ideas
Thursday, July 22, 2021
5 Sure-Fire Ways To Attract New Customers Now
1. Give Away An Electronic Information Product
The product could be a simple report posted on your Web
site or autoresponder to a downloadable e-book. The
information product should relate to your target audience. Just
place your advertisement somewhere on the product. Allow
other people to give away the information product to attract
even more customers.
2. Offer Free Consulting Via E-mail
Allow potential customers to ask you specific questions
relating to the subject of your business. Giving away free advice
can show your prospects your expertise and give you instant
credibility. Another benefit is when you e-mail them back the
free advice or information include your signature file to get free
3. Hold A Free Chat Room Seminar
People go to seminars to learn about a particular subject.
With chat rooms you don't need to fear public speaking or
spend money to rent out a seminar room. You can use your
own chat room or hold the seminar in someone elses.
Holding a chat room seminar is an incredible way to get free
publicity. Just send a press release to the media announcing
your free seminar.
4. Start A Free-To-Join Club
Having people join your club is a creative way to attract
new customers. People want to belong to something, why
not your online club. The club should be related to your
product or service. You could give away a free e-mail
newsletter for club members only. Have a members only
message board, e-mail discussion group or chat room. Post
your advertisements on all the club information.
5. Provide Your Product Or Service For Almost Free
Tell potential customers you'll accept barter deals for your
products or services. You may not be getting money but they
will become your customers. If they are satisfied they might
pay money the next time they make a purchase. Barter for
things to improve your business or your own personal life.
Quote of the Day:
"What was hard to bear is sweet to remember." -- Portuguese
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
3 Types Of Affiliate Marketing Websites That Generate Income
Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health!
Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health! We appr...

Blogs are sites where a person can put a shared journal or a businesses can even promote their website. There have been a lot of questio...
With the thousands of websites now on the Internet, it is not difficult to imagine why traffic is such an important issue for online mar...
Affiliate marketers have heard the secret to making online sales is to have a list, and to grow that list so you have an ever-increasing...