Saturday, November 20, 2021

How to Raise Your Rankings in Search Engines - Basic SEO


I don't know how many times I've been asked. "How do I get traffic to my website?"

To best discuss this topic I should break this down into categories.

1. Title Tags
The title Should contain keywords and keyword phrases that are important to your site. Our recommended maximum number of characters for this tag is 60.
Also when counting your characters remember that spaces are considered as well.
Titles should appeal to the reader otherwise even a top position will lose a lot of clicks.
For example, "shoes,nike shoes,best shoes,review shoes," is unlikely to induce a click. What may induce a click would be like:
Shoes - Find out the latest styles on name brand shoes.

2. Description
The maximum number of characters I recommend for this Tag is 150. Any longer than this and it will only be cut off and may count against your site being listed high in the search engines. Try to repeat your keywords that you used in your title in a proper sentence and in 3rd party. Avoid I, Me, Myself etc

3. Keywords
keywords My recommended maximum number of characters for this tag is 250. Any more than that may be considered spamming. Keep your keywords focused upon what your site is about.
Don't think that if I use an assortment of different keywords that your site will be a seller. Targeted marketing is associated with your keywords.

4. Keyword Nesting
Description: A term used in searching to indicate the sequence in which operations are to be performed
Enclosing words in parentheses identifies a group or "nest." Groups can be within other groups.
The operations will be performed from the innermost nest to the outmost, and then from left to right.

keyword nesting is nesting your top 5 most important keywords in the html page that the public will see. I would recommend using the keywords that you've used in your title, description.

5. Head Tags not to be confused with (head) tags def.
HEAD or HEADER (of HTML document)
The top portion of the HTML source code behind Web pages, beginning with and ending with . It contains the Title, Description, Keywords fields and others that web page authors may use to describe the page. The title appears in the title bar of most browsers, but the other fields cannot be seen as part of the body of the page. To view the portion of web pages in your browser, click VIEW, Page Source. In Internet Explorer, click VIEW, Source. Some search engines will retrieve based on text in these fields.
Head Tags should be a repeat of your title tag. Most webmasters put their head tag right after the body tag. A head tag will look like this (h1) (/h1) with the ( and ) being replaced with < >

6. Anchor Links
Anchor Links is one of the most important html tags that your site needs to gain search engine page rank
especially in google and msn

World Profit

The Club Shop


Thursday, November 18, 2021

6 Little Used Online Marketing Strategies


1. Utilize Your Knowledge

Do you have extensive knowledge in a particular subject?
Offer people free consulting or advice on that subject via
e-mail if in exchange they either link to your web site, run
your promotional ad in their e-zine or place your banner
ad on their web site for a set period of time.

2. Become A Publisher

Publish e-zines for other people for free. In return for your
work in designing, updating and gathering content you
request that your promotional ad be placed at the top of
each issue. Their duties will be to promote and send out
each issue to their subscribers.

3. Persuade Them To Sign

A great way to get e-mail addresses and testimonials for
your online business is to ask people to sign your guest
book. The problem is a lot of people won't take the extra
time to sign your guest book. An effective way to persuade
them to sign your guest book is to give them something
free in return.

4. Create An E-mag

Publish your e-zine in ebook format. You could offer more
articles per issue. You could add graphics with the articles
just like in print magazines. Your advertising revenue would
increase because you could charge businesses for full page
color ads.

5. Tell Them What's Next

Get your visitors excited about revisiting your web site.
Tell them about upcoming articles, prize drawings, free
stuff, etc. If they know what's in store for them, they will
revisit. Tell then to sign up for an e-mail reminder or tell
them to bookmark your web site.

6. Share Your Information

Create a web book that's related to your web site topic.
Give people the option of linking to the web book so they
give it away to their visitors. Put your ad on top of the
title page to get free advertising. This strategy will easily
multiply your advertising exposure.

Quote of the Day:

"A part of kindness consists in loving people more than
they deserve." -- Joseph Joubert

Warm regards,


The Club Shop

Thursday, November 11, 2021

6 Passive Income Streams You Can Start in 2022


If you want to build a stream of passive income, right now is the time to start.

If you’re starting from scratch, it’s going to take at least 6 months to create a new stream of passive income, but it’s 100% possible.

If you’re serious, take one of these ideas and spend the next six weeks planning your approach.

  • Read articles about the topic.
  • Choose a product or niche.
  • Talk to people who have found success.

Important side note: Passive income does not mean you get paid to do nothing. It simply means the stream of money can keep flowing into your account while you’re not actively working.

Example: you spend 50 hours creating a digital product and it sells for the next 50 weeks. That’s much better than spending 50 hours at work and getting paid for 50 hours of work.

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.
- Warren Buffett

Passive income is the only way to scale your income exponentially.

Also, there’s no need to drop $5k on a course, unless you want to. There’s plenty of legit info available for free on social media — mainly Twitter, Google, and YouTube.

Here are six opportunities for your next stream of passive income:

1. Info Products

More people are creating info products like e-books, print-on-demand books, video courses, and more.

These take a while to create, and then keep making you money while you sleep. And if you don’t want to continue marketing your products, you can set up a simple affiliate marketing program and get people to do the marketing for you.

Your books don’t need to be 300-page in-depth guides. It can be as simple as 50 pages of actionable guide that people find useful and interesting.

You can also make a simple video recording of yourself sharing knowledge on a topic that others don’t know about. The best way to find a good product is to pick a topic that helps people save time, learn a skill, or make money.

Simple info products like these can sell for around $15–25. If you think the quality of the product is really good, and you get some initial sales, you can sell it for a lot more money.

2. Youtube Channel

If you’re a camera person you can start creating videos and posting them on your YouTube channel. YouTube is one of the most popular ways to make money on the internet.

Just like info products you can create a video once and have it making money for years without much effort.

You need to know that YouTube is a long-term game. You won’t start making money right away. It usually takes years to build a big audience and start seeing any significant revenue.

To start, you need hours of watch time before applying for ads, which is how most YouTubers make money. Once your channel builds momentum, it’s definitely worth it. Simple videos can easily make hundreds of dollars each on autopilot.

You can start earning from day 1 on YouTube with affiliate marketing, but you’ll still need to develop a following before you see significant pay days.

3. Podcast

If you’re not comfortable with recording yourself but love talking and sharing your ideas, then podcasting is the way to go.

You can record yourself talking about a topic or interview different people in your niche, or interview people knowledgeable on a variety of subjects. This is a plus because it means you don’t need to know everything, or do all of the talking. You can relax a bit and ask some simple questions. People will gladly spend an hour or two to get on your podcast and share their knowledge with the world.

You can even partner with a friend to discuss interesting topics. People love listening to interesting conversations.

You can monetize your podcast in almost the same way as YouTube: ads, paid promotions, affiliate promotions, etc. And you’ll build a solid connection with your listeners since you’re talking right into their ear. It’s a huge trust builder. I feel like I know the podcast hosts I listen to, even though we’ve never met.

Most podcasts fail because people give up. Few podcasts get past episode #3, and even fewer make it past #25. The most successful podcasts are simply the most consistent.

More good news: you don’t need fancy equipment. You can go somewhere quiet and record the podcast right on your phone. Or record a Zoom call and publish it to YouTube and your podcast. Then you can edit it yourself, or hire someone on Fiverr to edit and add intro/outro music.

4. Micro SaaS Products

If you’re a SaaS (software as a service) enthusiast but don’t have the means to build a startup, you should explore micro SaaS products.

Micro SaaS products are mostly additional add-ons, extensions, or accessories to existing products or advancements that improve a missing element.

Basically, you build a small SaaS product that solves a very niche problem and earn recurring revenue.

The main goals of a micro SaaS are:

  • Solving a small but a real problem
  • Working on products you love
  • Still making a lot of money
  • Freedom from working for someone else
  • Staying small (typically 1–5 people)

Canva is an example of a SaaS. They have hundreds of employees and are worth billions. A micro SaaS could be a Canva font identifier. You upload a photo and the software finds the closest font match in Canva.

5. Affiliate Marketing

This is one of the easiest ways to make money on the internet.

In affiliate marketing, you sell someone else’s product using your unique link and earn a commission for each sale.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to be an expert in a subject and you don’t need to create a product of your own. You just need to know how to sell products to people.

Gumroad has really opened up the affiliate marketing space on social media.

More and more creators are creating info products and are looking for people to promote them in exchange for an affiliate commission.

You just need to have a good audience to promote the products to. So, building an audience is a prerequisite.

The good news is that you can build an audience wherever you want. Whether it’s on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Groups, TikTok, YouTube, or your own blog.

It’s best to stick with one specific topic, and one that you enjoy. You’re going to need to create a lot of content related to the products you’re promoting, so I suggest finding something you genuinely enjoy.

Like YouTube, affiliate marketing takes a while to get off the ground, but the potential here is unlimited.

6. Blogging

If you’re not comfortable with videos or talking to people, writing articles is the next best option. Many people think blogs are outdated and nobody reads articles anymore. That’s not true at all!

Google is still the #1 source of traffic for websites, and millions of people, including yourself, are reading blogs right now.

People still love reading long-form content and they’re here to stay for a long time. But, how does one make passive income by writing blog posts?

One of the reasons I’m still blogging on Medium is because it’s semi-passive. Instead of getting a single payment for a blog I write, I can get paid for weeks and months after hitting publish.

Here are a few different options:

1. Medium partner program: Medium pays its writers who write articles and put them behind a paywall. When Medium makes money from its paid users (who get to read premium articles) it shares the earnings with writers.

2. Sponsorship: Many blogging platforms like Hashnode have sponsorship programs where readers can sponsor their favorite writers.

3. Affiliate sales: blogging is one of the best ways to earn affiliate income. Write a review of a product or service, or a Top 10 article and get paid when someone buys it.

4. Ads: If you have a blog you shouldn’t ignore ads. People are used to seeing ads everywhere, so as long as you don’t go overboard, ads won’t hurt your user experience.

Writing is a great skill to have. Writing helps to fill your knowledge gaps on a subject and get more clarity on your thoughts.

Now it’s time to get started. The only regret I have about exploring streams of passive income is not starting sooner!

Here's a couple of good ones to take a look at: Heart and Body Naturals , The Club Shop

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

How to make Passive Income


What is passive income?

Passive income is income that requires minimal labor to earn and maintain. It is called progressive passive income when the earner expends little effort to grow the income.

Passive income includes regular earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says passive income can come from two sources: rental property or a business in which one does not actively participate, such as being paid book royalties or stock dividends.

Sources of passive income

  • Rent Out Your House/Land
  • Rent your Car
  • Cryptocurrency Mining
  • Publish A Book
  • Dividend stock
  • Bonds
  • P2P Lending
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Create an app
  • Make a YouTube channel
  • Selling Information
  • Online Selling

If you’re thinking about creating a passive income stream, check out these 12 strategies and learn what it takes to be successful with them, while also understanding the risks associated with each idea.


Rental properties can be a great source of passive income once you get a rental up and running. It can provide a monthly income flow without you having to participate in any kind of daily work.


The great thing about renting out your car is you can earn money while you sleep! You don’t have to put in extra work in order to earn extra income. You’ll be working smarter, not harder.


Mining cryptocurrency is the original way to make passive income with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Mining involves using computing power to solve complex mathematical problems and verify transactions, requiring the cryptographic expert to share back “proof of work” demonstrating the solution.

Publish A Book

Book sales is the most obvious way to make money from self publishing. You will either earn royalties or revenues (if you print, distribute and sell your book yourself).

Dividend stock

Dividend stocks are one of the simplest ways for investors to create passive income. … Investors can decide to pocket the cash or reinvest the money in additional shares. Dividend yields can vary significantly from one company to the next, and they can also fluctuate from year to year. The biggest advantage of dividend paying stocks is that as long as the company continues to pay the dividend you will receive real cash every 3 months.


A bond is a fixed passive income source with an agreement between two parties; the bondholder and the bond issuer. The bondholder is usually the investor, and the bond issuers are generally companies or governments. Several bond types, including the US Treasury Bonds, are a bond issued by the US Federal government.


Peer-to-peer lending, also abbreviated as P2P lending, is the practice of lending money to individuals or businesses through online services that match lenders with borrowers. Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is an alternative to traditional financing. Instead of the borrower going to a bank to take out a loan, they use services that connect them to investors like you. This allows you to lend money to an individual or a company earning fixed monthly payments.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketers sell another entity’s product or service and earn a commission on the number of sales they make. If done effectively, affiliate marketing can allow you to have a steady stream of passive income. From finding the right products to maintaining blogs, there is a lot of work that goes in.

Create an app

There are a ton of ways to make money with your app.

Here are a few of the most straightforward and simple ways to build up a steady cashflow with your app:

SELL A SUBSCRIPTION: You can have a small free version of your app, but leave the best part of it to be unlocked for a consumer subscription costing just a few bucks a month

SHOWS SOME ADS: You have an app, like a game, that people spend a lot of time on; in that case, you can put some ads in to make some money while users enjoy your creation

SELL A PREMIUM VERSION: You can have a free, or low-cost app. But keep some extra incredible features available for an extra purchase

Make a YouTube channel

YouTube is ultimately a numbers game and the number of views advertising revenue is the most passive way to make money. YouTube income is passive after the video is posted. As long as your videos are being watched. Make as many videos as possible. Keep track of which videos perform the best and create videos with a similar topic. As your video library and views grow, so will your income.

Selling Information

One popular strategy for passive income is establishing an information product, such as an e-book, or an audio or video course, then kicking back while cash rolls in from the sale of your product. Information products can deliver an excellent income stream, because you make money easily after the initial outlay of time.


Once you master the business model, you can generate a good income stream.

“And to make good money from it, it has to be great. There’s no room for trash out there.”


If you have any skills, you may be able to turn them into a money maker by selling items You can also sell items like Printed T-shirts by designing them. Many types of passive income can be made online, so if you want to earn money do online selling

“One product is not a business unless you get really lucky,”


Passive income streams can provide a boost to your savings, investing goals, and an unexpected job loss. Who wouldn’t want to earn money without having to clock in for an eight-hour workday?

The good news is that there are many options to start building out a passive income stream beyond what I’ve already outlined above. Most will require upfront time and energy devoted to building them out before you start to see returns. 

Here are a couple of good ones to start with:

Heart and Body Naturals

The Club Shop

Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health!

  Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health! We appr...