Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Marketing on YouTube for Affiliate Marketers: What you Need to Know and Do to GROW your Followers

Affiliate marketers have heard the secret to making online sales is to have a list, and to grow that list so you have an ever-increasing list of potential buyers. This is 100% true. Now what about Social Media? Growing your "list" on social media is about growing your followers, your subscribers. Email marketing involves emailing your list of subscribers or borrowing someone else's list and sending out offers. Social Media marketing involves SPEAKING directly to your subscribers/ followers and building relationships with your viewers that may lead to sales. It all starts with 1 good video on a topic that is of keen interest to many.  Let's talk about YouTube and how Affiliate Marketers can grow your own following / subscribers (and list) to build your sales machine. So the question becomes what are you going to talk about in your videos to get interest, and keep interest? First, decide what your first Video is going to be about, who is your ideal viewer, what do you want to convey and achieve with your video.  It's helpful to find someone who is doing NOW what you want to do.  Find someone in your industry with a large following. Watch them, learn, how and what to they say and do,  make your own to fit your niche.  When getting started, keep your video productions simple, as you get more comfortable and grow you can get more sophisticated later. Think big. If you are going to take the time to plan your videos, record your videos with the goal of generating buzz you need to plan for growth.   Plan on doing a SERIES of videos, short, topic specific videos that provide good content, interesting or entertaining content.   Catchy titles for your videos with key words targeting your niche are vital. Example Video Title: How to get FREE Advertising for your Affiliate Marketing Links - STOP paying for ads, do this, it's free Suggested length of video: 2 - 5  minutes Goal of Your Youtube Video(s): Generate Associates, Generate Subscribers to your Channel (your list), Brand Yourself, Create Relationships with your followers. It's hard to talk about yourself in a video so start with the fact that people love stories, and they also love how-to information, if you have expertise to share then help others. Share expertise, secrets, strategies, favorite sites, sales tools, advertising aids, sales suggestions, tips, tricks, what works for you, what doesn't work,'s all a possibility.  When you talk in your videos speak directly to the viewer as an individual. Be respectful.  Suggested content and topics: -Your experience as an affiliate marketer, why you like the industry -What you know now that you wish you had known then -Your favorite Worldprofit resources / software / tools / training component -What works for you, what doesn't work -Reviews of your favorite, sites, products, affiliate marketing programs -How to do to do that...  -Benefits of Worldprofit's free Associate Membership, how to sign up, get free stuff for joining -How to get free advertising from Worldoprift (sign up for a free Associate membership, give your own URL to sign up under you) -How you found Worldprofit. What appealed to you about Worldprofit, why they are so very different. -How to start and grow your own online business as a free Associate member at Worldprofit -If you have expertise in a specific industry/ niche, share it, invite people to follow you to learn more on that topic  -It's ok not to be perfect, to be a little different, stand out from the crowd, be your own unique brand. -Benefits of being a free Associate member (free advertising etc, sign up, login,explore what Worldprofit offers ) -Benefits of being a Silver Member, a Platinum VIP Member -During your video and at the end always ask for viewers to subscribe to your channel AND to sign up for a free Worldprfoit Associate membership (include your URL/landing page)  Brain Food: In your Worldprofit Product Vault are a number of resources, and training aids for marketing on YouTube, and other social media,  do a search, download free.  IMPORTANT: Do not make any income claims in your videos. Include this in each of your videos. EARNINGS DISCLAIMER This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. This is not financial advice. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require hard-work, experience, and knowledge. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. I won't put anything here that I haven't verified and/or personally used myself.

Get a free Associate Membership at Worldprofit to explore and discover for yourself why Worldprofit is the #1 choice of Affiliate marketers everywhere. Republished with author's permission by Roy Mitchell

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Into the Future: Advanced Methods to Drive Traffic to a Website

With the thousands of websites now on the Internet, it is not difficult to imagine why traffic is such an important issue for online marketing experts. Website traffic, at its simplest, means that people go regularly to your site ? and by this, we mean unique, human, living and breathing visitors, not just search engine robots (which, of course, count for visitors on many tallies). Another dimension of traffic includes the duration of stay of visitors on a site. Some people will stay on a site for a few seconds, then click away from it because it is not attractive or useful enough, or even because it is difficult to navigate or confusing to look at. Other people will stay on a site for hours, and for many different reasons: a site?s contents can be extremely useful, its navigation can be intuitive and easy to decipher, and the site itself is friendly to visitors and entertaining or engaging to readers. In order to make your site all these, and to drive traffic to your website, you will need to employ many different methods, both site and traffic wise. First of all, you need to know the power of the two major bigwigs that ensure Internet surfing ease today: the taggers and the search engines. Taggers are actual humans: they are your average Internet users who access digg and stumbleupon, who look at social networks, and who are immersed well enough in the universe of the Internet so that they know the likes, dislikes, whims, desires, and quirks of the members of the web world. In order to prosper online, you need to catch the attention of these taggers. First of all, start making yourself visible in social tagging networks. Digg and stumbleupon are only the two major players; try to network as well in larger places such as FaceBook, MySpace, Multiply, or Friendster, or anywhere where people congregate and exchange ideas and links. When fashioning your profile in these networks, always include the URL of your website, and maintain a simple blog that either links to your main blog, or has useful articles that will make people go to your main URL. The other major players are the search engines. Search engines index your site under certain keywords or key phrases, and through the help of crawling and indexing software called spiders or robots. Such software will pick up keywords and key phrases from the text content of your site, and will place your site under the listings for these keywords and key phrases if the keywords and key phrases appear at a certain density. When users search for these keywords and key phrases in the search engine, then your site will appear at a certain ranking, depending on your popularity. Take note of the fact that it is your site text content that is considered when determining your indexing status, not your graphics. Search engines crawl only through text, so you may want to put your important information in text, not graphics, such as animation or videos. If you have important animation or videos, then places descriptions for such files so that the search engines can still recognize the presence of such multimedia. You also need to take note that not all your users will be patient enough to wait for large graphics and multimedia files to download, so you may want to take advantage of text and place all important information on immediately. There are also advertisement networks that you can join in order to make your site more visible, but you need to take care of your website first to ensure that traffic is directed again and again onto your online home.

Roy Mitchell is the Owner of

Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

4 Differences Between Websites And A Blog

Blogs are sites where a person can put a shared journal or a businesses can even promote their website. There have been a lot of questions out there lately of how a blog works and how they are different from other website. There are usually 4 basic differences that make a Blog unique from a website. 1. Posts Posts are said to be the core function of any blog. It is the building blocks of the blog and it is what holds the blog together. The posting on the blog is most generally done by the blog owner and is usually on a variety of different topics. Also another distinct difference between a blog and a website is on the blog the postings will appear in chronological order. With a website you do not have to post. It is just a basic site where a person may go to obtain information on a certain product or idea. 2. Comments On a blog visitors are allowed to leave comments, if you the owner authorize it, on your posts. It is also a good way for a reader of your blog and you to communicate. The comment section of your blog also helps drive visitors to your site. The comment section is a very important component of any blog. With a website you do not have to have a comment section. 3. Categories The category section of your blog is basically where the information from the posts or posted content is organized. It keeps your site looking neat and well formatted. It also prevents your blog from looking overcrowded. For bigger Blogs the categories can be organized by month or even topic. There is also usually a search feature that assists the reader to find information on a certain topic quickly. Usually the blog has software that automatically places your posts into various categories. 4. Subscriptions This is a very important aspect when you want to learn how a Blog works. The subscription features allows readers to become a member of the blog and once they become a member of the blog they can be notified when new information is placed on a blog. This is a great reason to create a blog as it allows you to create an online community on a certain topic. Some blog sites are now implementing a news letter feature which allows a person to read your information without even having to sign into the site. As you can see there are some big differences between a blog and a website. The more differences you understand the more you will understand Blogging. A Blog can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people while sharing your ideas, if they are understood correctly

 Roy Mitchell is the Owner of

Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Monday, July 18, 2022

No Upsells at Worldprofit. Everything you need to start earning online now is included in the Silver Membership

Doesn't it bug you when you buy something and you get hit up with upsell and after upsell? That doesn't happen at Worldprofit. At Worldprofit our Silver Membership includes everything you need to grow your own online business from the first day you join our company. You get your own domain based website. Pick your own name, or choose one of our pre-registered names. The hosting is included too. You get leads, specialized software for generating traffic, you receive access to our traffic resources, sales aids, landing pages, SEO services, list builders, ebooks, website management tools, graphics software, training modules and so much more. It's all easy to use and we guide and help you every step of the way. Worldprofit has been offering training and support to our Members for over 20 years so we've included in our Silver Membership exactly what you need to get leads, generate traffic and we teach you how to market online effectively without making the mistakes most newbies learn the hard way and sometimes at great expense. For the more experienced internet marketer we have specialized tools, resources and software to increase your current earnings. You see we teach you how to use the included tools in the Silver membership to grow ANY online business. Worldprofit's online bootcamp training lessons now exceed over 125 lessons all devoted to helping you learn how to earn online from trusted online sources. Go at your own pace. Best of all, included in Worldprofit's home business and affiliate marketing bootcamp training, is support 7 days a week, 365 days a year. When you make a purchase at Worldprofit we stand behind our products and services and support you and their application for as long as you are a Member. We've built most of the software we offer ourselves and that means you can always get experienced help when you need it. Who provides the specialized training and coaching at Worldprofit? George Kosch. He's a former Captain and Jet Pilot Instructor in the Royal Canadian Air Force. George took early retirement to start his own online .com business way back in 1993. Today with over 2 Million Members, George teaches people all over the world how to navigate in and online world to grow their own successful online business. George's popular home business and affiliate marketing bootcamp is offered each and every week. The training is ideal for both newbies and more experienced internet marketers. Worldprofit's training is LIVE and interactive so Members can ask questions, request demonstration making in interactive and meaningful to each participant. George Kosch's approach is down to earth, straight forward and honest. Help not hype is what Members have come to expect and enjoy at Worldprofit.

Roy Mitchell is the Owner of

Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Are you treating your online business like your Gym Membership?

I often hear from people who are eager to make money online. They are so excited! They dig in eager to get started in our training program, keen on building their own successful online business. The first day they put in 5 or 6 hours laying the foundation for their business. The second day they devote a few more hours. By the end of the week it's an hour. 2 weeks later, they've moved on to something else. Who do you think gets better results from a Gym Membership? The person who goes every day, or every few days working CONSISTENTLY on their physique, putting in the time, effort and discipline? Or the person who goes once a week? Then very 2 weeks, then not at all. Apply this to your online business. Be prepared to learn. Apply your new found knowledge to business every day. Set goals. Promote more, promote more often, promote to MORE places! Follow up with leads, post information of value to your mailing list, return emails, phone calls, messages.  When you need help, ask. Everything you need is in your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership, an all inclusive comprehensive training and marketing system. The key in achieving anything of value is CONSISTENT effort. Building an online business takes time. Most people realize this. What they don't understand how MUCH time it takes.  Many people are new to online marketing, not tech savvy, not social media savvy, not aware of what is involved in marketing. There is the set up phase, a learning curve, building phase, ideally a growth phase. As a new business, at no point do you get to just forget about your business, sit back and watch it thrive. Work your business consistently to see the BEST results! Tired of the Hype? Get the HELP you need to grow your own successful online business. Since 1994 Worldprofit has provided the business resources you need to grow your own successful online business.

Put us to work for you! Get a free Associate Membership now.

Republished with author's permission by Roy Mitchell

Friday, June 17, 2022

Common Questions heard from Affiliate Marketers and some solid trusted realistic advice to increase your promotion results


By Sandi Hunter Rather then writing an article, this time I decided to share with you  some of the common questions I hear from affiliate marketers and the  advice I give them. My hope is that other marketers reading this will  benefit from the information and you too can start getting better results. Are you ready? Here you go...

Q:  What's better Solo Ads or Banner Ads?

In general, I would say well written solo ads would perform better then  a banner ad. Assuming that you have a really great, captivating,  attention grabbing headline and that your copy is benefit laden and  makes a fabulous offer. Solo Ads are often single email distribution of ad copy to a member list  or a subscriber list. So real human eyeballs should be seeing your ads,  if sent from a Safelist, you need to be aware that some people will be  viewing your ad to earn ad credits. It doesn't mean it's not a good way  to advertise it just means that don't think that everyone who clicks is  a buyer. Some WILL buy, and Safelist advertising is effective. BUT....Instead of asking which kind of promotion is better, consider that ALL  advertising helps, so you can place some banner ads, AND place some solo  ads.  The BEST advertising results are often the result of MULTIPLE forms of  advertising on various platforms. Smart marketers employ a number of different kinds of advertising to  target different markets, niche markets, and target specific demographics.

Q: I bought some advertising from a trusted source but I notice the rate  at which I am receiving my leads is a little slow should I be concerned?

That's a tough one to answer. My first thought is if you trust this lead  source and the leads are being generated slowly that may be a good  sign.  When ads are placed it takes time for people to respond  especially REAL people who are HUMAN and filling out a form.  You have  to take a good look at your ad copy as well. I see ads all the time that I can  virtually guarantee will not produce leads. Why? The ads are poorly  written. They have no pop, no sizzle, and are serious sleep inducers. The  other side of the spectrum is that the ad is so ridiculous in the  claims made that people are clicking OFF the ad or ignoring it, instantly sizing it up as  another sketchy pitch.    I can also look at an ad and tell you if it will produce  sign ups. Why? Because as a copywriter and marketer with close to 25  years in this industry it is plain as the nose on your face what gets  people to react. It's not a secret, it's the science of human behavior  and a result of utilizing proven motivation principles. If you don't understand the basics of good marketing, marketing that  makes and offer to command action, then you need to go back to basics  and learn. This topic is far to big for the purpose of this here, so  instead you are start doing your homework. A good place to start would  be with my company , but I will leave that up to you.   If  you want to get results from your promotion you must know what to  promote, where to promote and how to promote, my team can provide that to you,  it's both valuable and critical to your success as an affiliate marketer. I would also offer you this advice. If you buy ads and get an instant HUGE influx of  leads I would be far more concerned about that pattern. The reason  is that you may just be getting paid to click leads, or robotic leads,  or even just a harvested list of leads that have been bought and sold  repeatedly.  The leads may not be quality or even real and are mass  distributed in bulk to unknowing buyers. The test will be if those "leads" login, respond, click or take some action to indicate they are HUMAN.   Real leads DO something more then just click.

Q:  Does Safelist marketing work?

A: Absolutely. For many years, at least a decade now, we 've operated 18 High Traffic Safelists to back that statement up,  plus we use several other trusted time-tested safelists ourselves for promotion purposes. The Affiliate marketer doesn't have a bottomless pit of money to pay for Google Ads, or Facebook ads. Safelist advertising is low cost, offers a a targeted audience, and quite simply, gets results. If you aren't getting results take a good look at the ads/offers you are running before you blame the advertising source. I covered this above.       

Q: I hear about the importance of having a list, what exactly does that  mean and how do I get one going?

A: A list is sometimes refered to as a customer list, or a lead list, or an email marketing list. Whatever you call it it's your essential bread and butter for your business. The people on the list are subscribers to your mailings and potential buyers of your products and services, be nice to them. Earn their trust, mail content that is valuable  and not sent too often. Building your list takes time  and is accomplished with optin forms, lead forms, newsletter sign up forms, surveys, and offers. You will need mail software or a service to be able to email your growing list and a number of services exist to help you with this. See the end of this posting for help with mail services and hosting.  Ever notice those questionable companies doing a Pre-Launch? Notice the Pre-Launch seems to go on and on and on or never launches at all! Why do you think they are doing that? Three reasons, exposure, LIST BUILDING, sales potential    The bigger the list the bigger the results when they DO finally launch.  Understand the POWER of having, maintaining your own email marketing list in your own success. 

Q: I am trying everything and not getting results, what do I do.

A: I see marketers so eager to start making money online, they try to do  everything at once. What they lack is FOCUS. Yup, it's that simple.   Pick one or two affiliate programs if you are just getting started.   Spend some time every day learning about online marketing, but spend 10X  more then that on promoting. People new to affiliate marketing often  underestimate how much promotion  is required to get sign ups and  conversions. The affiliate marketing industry itself is partly to blame for this, many tell  you it's so easy, you can get rich in 2, 4, 6 weeks,  no work required, blah  blah.  One ad I just saw promised riches in 12 minutes. It's ridiculous. Sadly it's the same old pitch from many of these "just launched" here today gone tommorrow affiliate programs.  Pick ONE good one, a program that offers value, has some substance to it  and provides you with the tools you need to promote it.  You may sign up for an affiliate program and are given a referral link then you are  on your own to figure out where to promote.  That's often why so many  newbies get frustrated and give up. They see the value of the practice  but don't know what to do to start getting signups, they post here and  there inconsistently without rhyme of reason, no systematic approach,  get frustrated and give up. That's why so many frustrated affiliates end  up coming to my team of experts at Worldprofit they realize they need our systematic proven approach  developed over many years.

Q: Where can I learn more about promotion so I can get better results as  an affiliate marketer and start getting more sign ups into my programs?

A: At Worldprofit we treat affiliate marketing as a business,  a business that anyone can  do from anywhere in the world. Our all inclusive comprehensive system provides the tools, software, business resources and IMPORTANTLY,  training to help you grow your own successful affiliate marketing business now and for years to come. Get a free Associate membership and see how we can help you. See for yourself why for 27  years now World Profit continues to be the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust World Profit for online training and support. 

Republished with author's permission by Roy Mitchell

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

5 Skills You Need To Learn For Your Online Home Based Business


An online home business allows you to be own boss and manage your business any way you want. But there are a number of skills you to master to help your results and make your business more profitable.
1. List Building.

List building is most likely the most important component to developing a sustainable online home business. This list building process is about obtaining email addresses of potential customers and putting them into a database. Generally, a prospective customer needs to see your message 7 times before they are inclined to make a decision to purchase from you. Email marketing provides a cost effective and proven tactic to communicate with your customers.

2. Respect And Reputation.

Customers like to deal with and buy from people that they respect. If you set out to sell anything to anybody in the quickest possible time, your work from home online business will not be around for long. If you would not send an email to personal friend, then don't send it to your list. In the same way, if you would not buy a product that you are trying to sell, don't expect the people on your list to buy it.

3. Product Choice.

You can sell products created by other people or you can sell products that you have created yourself. In either case, you need to make certain that what your marketing promises that the product will deliver, is really what is provided. It only takes one poor product to damage your reputation. Verify every product or service carefully before you promote it and stay away from products that promise outlandish results in return for little or no effort.

4. Providing Value.

Think of your online home business as 'telling' rather than 'selling'. If you are always trying to sell to your audience, they will start to tune out. But if you provide useful information, video tutorials, reviews, etc to your audience, they will come to see you as an authority in your niche. People who trust your opinions and knowledge will be more prepared to buy from you.

5. Automation and Outsourcing.

Often when starting an online home business your budget is limited and you try to do everything yourself. But at your business develops, you will need to invest in software that can do jobs for you automatically and look at tasks that you can outsource to others so that you can spend more time working tasks that generate profit. Software such as an email autoreponder is an absolute necessity for your email marketing. Another example could be that you're spending hours trying to create graphics, which you could easily outsource for a minimal cost on freelance websites like Fiverr.

Find all you need for advertising here.

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