Monday, July 19, 2021

Developing a Successful Home Business

Staying focused and motivated are some of the main keys to developing a successful home business.  At start-up, these skills are necessary to create a plan and get the information and training you need to develop your ideas.  It is not possible to achieve your goals without first having a plan of action regarding the steps you will take to hit your target.  Everybody has a different style and some are more creative and less organized, so while we may take different paths to get to the prize, getting there will involve navigating to that end. Much easier if you know at least vaguely where you are going.

Try to stay on the most direct course if you want to accomplish your goals sooner rather than later.  This means you must focus in the middle of life which is often full of chaos.  There is a real art to not letting things distract you and/or prevent you from doing what you have planned.  Of course some things can't be avoided and for these you should actually develop a contingency plan.  In other words, if Plan A is not working or there is some obstacle, then have a Plan B and do that instead.  The point of course is to keep moving forward and never quit or wait, no matter what.

Different things motivate different people.  For some they need to 'visualize' what they will buy with the money they earn and some teach even going so far as to cut out pictures of things and paste them to your mirror so you see the fancy sports car, the Italian villa, the diamond necklace, etc.  This may work in the long run but it seems kind of silly in that realistically your goal would be something in line with 'earning my first $100 from my home business' and it would actually be quite some time before someone was able to live the ostentatious life style.

Imagining fantasy scenarios can be fun, and it might actually work to motivate someone, but at the same time there is an equal chance that someone will become discouraged when in the first years of developing a home business they are seeing lots of work and learning curves and have yet to see much in the way of tangible rewards.  This is just normal and nothing to get bummed out over.  It's reality.  We have to work and invest our time and effort if we want to see the money.

While competing with other people is not that great of a way to motivate a lot of people, some might respond to this method.  More likely competing with yourself would be more appropriate. In other words just like exercising - at first you are sluggish and tire easily, but if you are focused and determined to keep it up, you will build momentum and feel stronger each time; you will naturally want to do more of what makes you feel good or that produces the desired results.  You can really get a great feeling of self-esteem from exercising, whether it is your mind, your body or your spirit.

Something else that has to do with mindset and might be considered a competitive strategy to keep motivated would be self-talk.  Self talk can be telling yourself that you can do so much more than what you are given credit for at your job.  You will show them or at least yourself that you can and you will earn more money than what they think you are worth.  You may also be pleasantly surprised at how liberating it feels when you can take control of your own financial situation and realize you can earn as much as you want to when you are working for yourself and not anybody else.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

How to Change Your Mindset From Employee to Entrepreneur


So you want to be an entrepreneur, huh?  Do you know what the definition of entrepreneur is?

Webster's definition is, "a person or persons who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so".  The word 'entrepreneur' is an early 19th century French term meaning to 'undertake'.  Another translation defines entrepreneur as "a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk".

Employee vs Independent Contractor

If you are currently a W2 employee and work for another company do you know what distinguishes you from a 1099 independent contractor?  The difference is "control".  If you work for another company, person, institution, etc., if they pay you then they control you.  Control is defined as "to exercise restraint or direction over".

If you are seeking a better way of life and in control of your destination the biggest challenge you will face is YOU.  You see, most people are a product of their environment.  You were given direction as a child, provided for and told to get a job.  You trade your time for money.  That is just the way the world operates for the most part. 

So, to change from the way the majority of the world operates, we must first change YOU.  If you change the way you think, you can change YOU.  Here's how do it.

1 - Make a Firm Decision.  The first step in any substantial change is making a firm decision.  A firm decision is not just any decision.  When I say firm, I mean that in the face of challenges, obstacles and occasional setbacks you will not waiver.  Put your blinders on, stay focused on that decision and  move forward.  You will make mistakes but continue to move toward where you want to go.

2 - Have a Plan.  The 'ole saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" holds true in today's world.  Having a plan doesn't necessarily mean having a perfect plan.  After all, how would you know its perfect anyway.  A plan is an act yet to be carried out.  So have a plan,  expect to learn and tweak as you go, but take action.  A plan without action is a dream.

3 - Find a Mentor.  It's imperative that you find a mentor you can learn from.  You may already have one.  Your mentor could be a parent, a colleague, a friend, a business acquaintance, etc.  But make sure you find a mentor.  A mentor is a Greek word and the noun is defined as, "A wise and trusted counselor or teacher". 

Depending on the niche industry you are seeking to get involved in, I would find out who the most influential or biggest player is in that industry and learn from them.  In the internet world, there are several reliable, honest, trusted mentors online today. 

4 - Believe in Yourself.  When you begin your entrepreneur quest, you will face opposition.  That opposition will come from friends, family, co-workers, etc.  But if you decision is firm enough in step 1, don't let the naysayers dissuade you.  Follow your dreams.

5 - Test, Test, Test.  As mentioned earlier you will face obstacles.  Learn from them, tweak your processes and procedures as necessary, and keep plowing forward (Remember Edison and his 10,000 tries to make light?).

6 - Never Give Up.  With a firm decision and never give up attitude you will get there.  Don't give up, don't ever give up.

Your mindset will change as you continue to earn for yourself.  You will no longer be dependent on that former employer.  You learn to depend on YOU.

A good place to start is :

Saturday, July 17, 2021

How Your Web Hosting Provider Can Be A Good Friend Too


Majority of web hosting businesses are run by young professionals who have taken to web hosting due to their love for computers, networking and technology in general. Web hosts are always willing to help and love to share their knowledge and experience with clients and colleagues. However, most providers will be even more patronizing and helpful with people who are easy to work with and who understand the value of the free advice given. This article points out some cool ways in which your web hosting team could help you make the presence of your business and website felt across the internet.

Technology Advise

Many clients often contact us for our feedback and experience on web applications, eCommerce Shopping Systems and even computer hardware. Although most of the questions are related to the services we offer, many a times we like to go one step beyond and suggest some other systems or devices which may solve the needs of the customer. Almost all reputed hosting providers often share cost-saving and time-saving tips with their clients. Sometimes the savings maybe worth thousands of dollars, especially when the customer seems to be misled or is under some wrong notion for spending money.


By virtue of being in an online internet based business, a web hosting provider gets to work with numerous software developers, design agencies, SEO experts, content writers and website programmers. He / she has experienced different levels of service and different cost-saving measures, which may be a valuable learning experience. His / her recommendations are pretty reliable and highly valuable. It may save you a lot of time which maybe spent in hunting for the right designers or right service providers.

Passing on Discounts and Freebies

Hosting Providers often get discount coupon's, discount codes, free trials and even premium service packages from various companies trying to promote their products. They may often pass on these discounts to deserving customers and loyal patrons who may be looking out for similar products or services. They may also provide awesome discounts or premium pricing which may not be available to retails customers online. These offers could greatly reduce the burden on your pocket and help balance your budget.

Special Care and Attention

Sharing a geeky joke or an interesting bit of information with your hosting company will surely be reciprocated with special care and attention to your website. Giving feedback about a newsletter or suggesting a new feature in the service will always be well received. Compliments are music to our ears and constructive criticism is also highly appreciated. Being communicative and cordial with your service provider will surely help you to get special attention for your account.

Keeping an eye out for you

You may not always be alert or around when some suspicious activity is going on with your account. Having a rapport with your host will also help keep a check on suspicious password resets or name transfers. Alert hosts will always make it a point to reach out to you or try and communicate a change or service request from your side, which they feel may be out of place. When your account email address suddenly changes to club4hackerrootz @ gmail, they will definitely be interested in alerting you about it, beyond the message the automatic emails may send you. An alert service provider we know, helped save the domain name of a friend from being hijacked for ransom. The hijackers had entered the control panel with a compromised password and changed the WHOIS email address for the Registrant. When the automatic email alert reached the web host, they found this behavior suspicious, since just a couple of days prior, they had exchanged emails on renewing the domain name. They immediately informed the client and prevented the domain from being transferred out.

As they say "a friend (when you are) in need is a friend indeed" stands true for the hosting industry too.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Starting a Business - Do What You Love and Love What You Do


It is absolutely true that we do best at what we like to do.  In your career you are very fortunate if you have a job that you completely love. This might only really be possible if you decided early in your life what you want to 'be' and took the action to get the education or training to do what you wanted to do.  Starting a business is another chance.

Many people see a job as only a means to an end - it pays the bills. They tolerate it out of necessity only.  Within reason they are willing to put in the time and follow the directions to keep that position. Some will try to exceed expectations so that they might be promoted to a better-paying job some day.

If that doesn't happen in a reasonable period of time, and they have confidence and self-esteem, they will make a promotion happen even if they have to look outside of their present company to find a better job. Or if you are very creative and brave, you may develop your own business.

Long gone are the days when people got a job and stayed there for their entire career, slowly and sometimes painfully 'working themselves up the corporate ladder'. In fact in some cases when it comes to 'down sizing' or 'workforce reduction' in our economic climate for the past few decades, it is often those that are the higher paid or more experienced employees that are cut.

Unfortunately loving your job and doing your very best doesn't count for anything when a company has decided to make changes.  They do not see people - they see positions.  It is hard for us to understand how they can be so cold, but 'that's business'.  It's about the bottom line, making the most profit and not about doing what is right for the employees necessarily.

So if you are in a position to start a business of your own, you might as well do something that you love to do if possible;  or another way to look at it is to do what you have to do and love it.  Sometimes there has to be trade-offs - so you may be required to perform some tasks you are not crazy about.  To stay on top of this, you may have to enumerate the things you do love about working at home, and there is a lot to love. 

If you are starting out and have to work a day job and create 'spare' time to nurture a budding business, it will not be as easy to realize what is so preferable about working from your home unless you really like what you are doing; or at the very least might be doing something in an industry that you find attractive or necessary.

Think about how great doing your work at the time(s) when you feel like it is, and having the freedom to do something else whenever the opportunity arises (and do the work later of course); think about all the money you are saving on transportation to and from a job - add it up - the gas, parking, bridge tolls, etc; then realize how much you will not miss the stress of commuting in traffic and all that this can involve, for example (the freeway that is more like a parking lot during rush hour(s). 

Just these alone are major things to love about having your own business at home! In addition, you can enjoy the peaceful, quiet atmosphere and just the feeling of control you will have by taking charge of your own life; ...and it would even add more impetus to 'work it' if it is something that you are interested in - for example if you can create a business from a hobby or interest that you have. This would go a long way to encourage you to expend your energy in that direction.

There is a saying that is 'some people work to live and others live to work' - You have to really enjoy working to set yourself up with a day job and a part-time home business - of course the idea there is to someday quit the day job and to support yourself entirely from your own business at home!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

16 Things To Check Before Joining Someone Else's "Pay Per Sale" Affiliate Program


1. Does the affiliate program offer you a free way to join
without buying the product or service?

2. Contact other affiliates already in the program to see if
they have had any problems.

3. Is the product or service related to your target audience?

4. Can they notify you by e-mail when a sale is made?

5. Do they offer backend products so you can get repeat sales
from the same person?

6. How often will you receive a commission check?

7. Do you get credited for a sale if people come back in month
and then make a purchase.

8. Can you get around-the-clock help online or offline?

9. Do you get a large percentage of each sale as commission?

10. Do they provide you with proven sales material? (links,
banners, classified ads, sales letters etc)

11. Will they give you the leeway to create promotional ads.

12. Do they offer you access to an online sales stats page?

13. Do they use a reputable system to track your sales?

14. Does the affiliate program pay commission for sales of
people who sign up under you?

15. Can they offer customers a lot of different ordering
options, so in return you won't lose sales.

16. Will they keep in contact with you on a regular basis by

Monday, July 12, 2021

7 Tips to Help Create Your Residual Income From Home


Creating a residual income from home is very intriguing.  If you decide to get involved in a home business to create a residual income, here are 7 tips to get you jump started. 

1.  Make sure your decision is a firm one.  You see, making a decision vs making a firm decision contrast sharply.  The reason I say this is because there are thousands, if not millions, that wish to make more money from home.  Making the money is the easy part.  Deciding to stick it out to make the money is the hard part.

Why?  Statistics show that over 95% of new home based businesses fail within the first 90-120 days.  Why is this failure rate so high?  Great question.  In my opinion, the initial decision to get involved was not a firm decision.  That means you proceed forward no matter what. There will be obstacles, challenges, setbacks, etc. along the way.  But if you have a firm 'no matter what' mindset, you are on your way.

2.  Get the support of your loved ones.  Running a home based business is hard work.  Just like any other business, you must have the support of your spouse, partner, family, loved one, or the person that is closest to you and your life.  Without their support and the 'no matter what' attitude from step 1 above, you will fall into the 95% that quit, fail, or just move on to something easier.

3.  Set aside a home work space.  Setting up your home work environment is crucial.  It is important that your treat your work from home office area as your typical 9 to 5 office.  When you are in your work from home office you are there to work.  You are there to get things done.  You are there to further your business.  Removing distractions can be challenging when you work from home.  Try to limit them as much as possible.

4.  Manage your time.  It is very easy to become consumed with your laptop or your PC when working from home.  There is tons of information and education for an online marketer or work from home expert to process.  Take it day by day and be sure to balance your time for family, recreation, etc.  When you are balanced you are fresh.  Your business should be considered a marathon and not a sprint.

5.  Find a mentor.  Having a mentor is very important when working from home.  Hopefully, your mentor is a residual income expert and very successful.  After all, to be the best you need to learn from the best.  A mentor is someone that can help you when you need it.  A mentor is someone you respect.  A mentor is someone that has already accomplished something you wish to accomplish.  There are great mentors available online today.  Take the time a find yours.

6.  Be professional.  Regardless of  your business, make sure you carry yourself as a professional.  What is a professional?  Someone that respects others, treats his home business like any other business, and tries to help others along the way. 

7.  Automate your business as much as possible.  Remember that you are just one person.  But, having the automated marketing tools that work for you are vital.  The proper marketing tools can replace some of the human factor.  And, if setup properly are easy to manage (unlike some employees). 

Taking into consideration these 7 tips can help you to reach your residual income goal sooner when working from home.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

3 Easy Ways To Bring In Website Visitors For Free


Free website traffic is not actually free in the sense that you have done nothing for it. Although you have not paid any money to anyone, the website traffic will have cost you an element of time and effort to get results. Here are 3 easy ways to increase website traffic without it costing you any money.

Search Engine Traffic.

The websites that continuously increase their website traffic are the ones that regularly produce high quality content. Search engines give preference to websites that are regularly updated with new content. The organic, or natural, search results which are listed on the search engines results show up because of their relevance to the search terms to your online business. If you focus your attention on creating high quality content it will improve your results in the search engines.

Partnering With Websites That Are Related To Yours.

Another great way to get website traffic free is to partner with other websites in your marketplace. Let's say your website is about golf. You could offer to write free content for websites that provide golf equipment and accessories . All you ask for in return is a link back to your website.

Next, you might partner with other golf experts and create a joint video series on how to improve your game. Or you could even do a video series where you interview experts on various elements of the game, like putting, pitching or driving.

You could create a free ebook on how to 'How To Putt Like A Pro' that you can give to other golf websites to give away for free. Obviously, the ebook will have your name on it, with a link back to your website.

Writing A Blogg.

A blog is a website or web page where you write information, facts or opinions on a regular basis for a specific target audience. You can build an online audience by publishing information regularly for people who are interested in what you have to say. If you write an interesting blog it will help to generate free website traffic because readers will keep coming back to the blog to read updates. They will also pass the information onto to their friends and colleagues in the industry.

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  Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health! We appr...