Majority of web hosting businesses are run by young professionals who have taken to web hosting due to their love for computers, networking and technology in general. Web hosts are always willing to help and love to share their knowledge and experience with clients and colleagues. However, most providers will be even more patronizing and helpful with people who are easy to work with and who understand the value of the free advice given. This article points out some cool ways in which your web hosting team could help you make the presence of your business and website felt across the internet.
Technology Advise
Many clients often contact us for our feedback and experience on web applications, eCommerce Shopping Systems and even computer hardware. Although most of the questions are related to the services we offer, many a times we like to go one step beyond and suggest some other systems or devices which may solve the needs of the customer. Almost all reputed hosting providers often share cost-saving and time-saving tips with their clients. Sometimes the savings maybe worth thousands of dollars, especially when the customer seems to be misled or is under some wrong notion for spending money.
By virtue of being in an online internet based business, a web hosting provider gets to work with numerous software developers, design agencies, SEO experts, content writers and website programmers. He / she has experienced different levels of service and different cost-saving measures, which may be a valuable learning experience. His / her recommendations are pretty reliable and highly valuable. It may save you a lot of time which maybe spent in hunting for the right designers or right service providers.
Passing on Discounts and Freebies
Hosting Providers often get discount coupon's, discount codes, free trials and even premium service packages from various companies trying to promote their products. They may often pass on these discounts to deserving customers and loyal patrons who may be looking out for similar products or services. They may also provide awesome discounts or premium pricing which may not be available to retails customers online. These offers could greatly reduce the burden on your pocket and help balance your budget.
Special Care and Attention
Sharing a geeky joke or an interesting bit of information with your hosting company will surely be reciprocated with special care and attention to your website. Giving feedback about a newsletter or suggesting a new feature in the service will always be well received. Compliments are music to our ears and constructive criticism is also highly appreciated. Being communicative and cordial with your service provider will surely help you to get special attention for your account.
Keeping an eye out for you
You may not always be alert or around when some suspicious activity is going on with your account. Having a rapport with your host will also help keep a check on suspicious password resets or name transfers. Alert hosts will always make it a point to reach out to you or try and communicate a change or service request from your side, which they feel may be out of place. When your account email address suddenly changes to club4hackerrootz @ gmail, they will definitely be interested in alerting you about it, beyond the message the automatic emails may send you. An alert service provider we know, helped save the domain name of a friend from being hijacked for ransom. The hijackers had entered the control panel with a compromised password and changed the WHOIS email address for the Registrant. When the automatic email alert reached the web host, they found this behavior suspicious, since just a couple of days prior, they had exchanged emails on renewing the domain name. They immediately informed the client and prevented the domain from being transferred out.
As they say "a friend (when you are) in need is a friend indeed" stands true for the hosting industry too.
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