It is easier than you think to fall in line with poor habits when stress has taken over your life. You begin to grasp at whatever will keep you going and functioning on some level close to normal. Before you know it, everything is spinning out of control and you have no idea how to reel it all in.
While this may sound ominous, it does happen. We just don't think that deeply into what is happening to us at the time, so the connection isn't made right away.
Have you ever heard of the "fight or flight" syndrome? It's that heightened state of awareness in the body that occurs when we are in danger. Adrenaline increases, muscles become taut and the mind sharpens as it decides how to react. When you undergo significant amounts of stress, it's as if you are in that heightened state all the time. And, it wasn't meant to be that way.
Here's an example. Too much stress can lead to wakefulness. Lack of sleep deprives the body of restorative rest that is needed to repair the body on a cellular level. A build-up of certain neurotransmitters and a lack of sufficient levels of others can put the brain out of balance. Since the brain controls many functions of the body, it too is out of balance.
Do I have a Right to Take Time for Me? Everyone needs a break to regroup. Just because you are a parent, a child, an entrepreneur, a leader or a caregiver doesn't mean that you are expected to run continuously without stopping. Society praises those who seem to have boundless energy, but you might want to ask yourself how they are achieving it without investing in downtime.
Because of the physical dangers of high stress levels, you shouldn't feel guilty about taking time out for yourself. Everyone needs it. You can learn to work out your downtime together as a family so that the benefits are felt by the entire group and all are rejuvenated to keep going for yet another day.
Here's another thought. When you are at your best then you can do your best for others. If you are the type of person who is dedicated to their work, their families and their community, all of these entities will reap the rewards of a well-spent break.
No matter how much time you have, you can put it to good use. Think about your schedule. Maybe you try to use every available moment to fit in all the activities you have to get done. What if even a fraction of that time was spent in the act of renewing your mind, body and spirit?
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