You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and
better long term health! We appreciate you!
The Healing Trilogy has been a very effective product that has stopped my arthritis knee plan for over 2 years. I use it daily.
Directions: Take your first shots as soon as you receive your order.
After that take 1-2 scoops daily added to water, juice, or almond or coconut milk. Be sure and follow with 8-12 ounces of
water. The shots can be taken individually or all together. Continue taking the shots every day in the morning or afternoon.
Some experience an immediate energy boost, sense of calm, improved sleep, and overall increased health.*
MIND Ayurvedic Brain Superfoods
Maximize brain performance*
Protect your brain against cognitive decline*
Supports deep & restful sleep*
Calms the mind & uplifts mood*
BODY Ayurvedic Superfoods
Boost stamina, exercise longer, improve sexual health*
Increase nitric oxide levels*
Complete circulation support*
Reduces arterial inflammation*
SOUL Ayurvedic Superfoods
Decreases pain & inflammation*
Renews and detoxes the liver*
Improves leaky gut*
Promotes digestion & soothes the stomach*
NOURISH Superfoods & Sprouts
Boost your immune system*
Increase your pH levels*
Support your health & vitality*
Support your digestive health*
Most of our fans tell us that initially they feel calmer, less anxious, and overall just great. Then they notice they're sleeping
better than usual and it was a really deep restful sleep. By day three, they're noticing their food cravings, especially for
sugar, have decreased. By day 7, just about everyone reports that they've lost weight, are sleeping dramatically better,
are seeing improvement in existing health concerns, and feel happier. Everyone says they cannot imagine being without
their MIND, BODY & SOUL.*
SIGNS OF DETOX: When your body begins to detoxify, your cells start to eliminate toxic substances. Before the toxins
make their final exit they are released into the bloodstream and then carried through the circulatory system. This may result
in physical symptoms that can include body aches and pains, nausea, clogged sinuses, constipation or diarrhea, cold-like
symptoms, bad breath, gas, and headaches. These toxins are often eliminated through the skin as well, and this can result
in acne, rashes, or other skin issues. All of these symptoms do not occur for everyone, but it is beneficial to know what to
expect ahead of time or what others may have experienced initially.*
DECREASING DETOX SYMPTOMS: Drink plenty of the purest water available to you, which is absolutely vital for anyone
following any detoxification protocol to help prevent detox symptoms. Adding sea salt, baking soda, or a combination
of the two to a warm bath and soaking in it for at least 30 minutes is an excellent way to draw toxins out of the body via
the skin. An epsom salt bath is particularly helpful for this purpose as it detoxifies and helps remedy magnesium and sulfur
deficiencies that may exist. Bentonite clay in a bath is also very beneficial. If a full body bath is not feasible, a foot soak
can also be helpful.*