Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Are all your eggs in 1 marketing basket? This may be costing you business!

New affiliate marketers often underestimate how much promotion is required to generate leads. To get leads that convert to sales involves knowing the best places to promote as well as how to promote.   One of most common mistakes we see is marketers who focus on just 1 method of promotion. This single focused approach limits your marketing reach and your results. Don't put all your eggs in one marketing basket.  Each type of marketing may have limitations so if you rely on more then one method you will get better results. Another common mistake is not being consistent in your marketing efforts. Too often we see people promote like crazy for a few days, then do less and less until they are doing virtually no marketing. Finally newbies often make the mistake of trying to BUY a totally automated INSTANT results approach to marketing. This isn't realistic and leads to disappointment, frustration and cursing. Being profitable in affiliate marketing is like any offline business, it takes time, effort and commitment.    If you want your business to GROW and GROW you need to plant the seeds, then nurture it with water, feed and focused attention. This requires consistent effort and ongoing plans and application to reach new markets, tap new customers, attract new eyeballs to your offers. MORE is BETTER when it comes to promotion. Proven Strategies to start and grow your brand, so you get leads, traffic and sales! If you're a Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP member you already have access to the foundation for your marketing strategy and that includes, lead and traffic generation, list building, landing pages, social media and sales and commission.   Start by setting daily goals, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. Establish an amount of time you are going to devote to starting and growing your business. If you're going to devote time, effort and expense into growing your online business spend the time to create a plan so you can assess progress. Your goals should be related to these numbers, note that the first 4 on the list are directly related to your SALES. lead generation  advertising sources / site traffic brand awareness and exposure list growth sales  When promoting it's important to use as many DIFFERENT kinds of promotion as possible. This will expand your reach, your market, find and target the right market, build your brand and your influence. Start with one or two approaches and over time, add more, do more.    Study your results, your click rate, your leads, list growth and sales to hone in on what is getting the best results and is worth more time, effort, ad dollars.   The suggestions included here WORK! They are a part of and integrated into a comprehensive Worldprofit marketing system so that's ready for you now. Your job is to focus on the promotion.  Safelists and Exchanges - earn credits for free advertising. No or low cost option for someone just getting started. How to do safelist and traffic exchange marketing is covered in Worldprofit's training program.  Article / Ebook marketing Lead generation is best accomplished by offering something free to encourage a sign up. Ebooks are easy to compile and on endless topics.  Worldprofit members you have access to free ebooks, and articles and PLR products that can be used in your offers. Or write your own and use our Ebook Creator and integrate your ebook with our Landing page builder.     Blogs Build your brand and your following by posting to your blog. If you are an expert on a topic, or niche, post it. Include key words or hashtags identifying what your blog is about for the benefit of search engines. For best results host your blog on your own domain name. Worldprofit members you have access to this, this way you are promoting YOURSELF and your domain not a free blog service that may disappear one day. Video Blogs - Not much of a writer? Then put some time into creating your own video blog. Videos should be relatively brief, and offer value to the viewer. Work from a script, tidy up your background, ensure you have good lighting and talk into the camera looking directly at the viewer when possible. YOU are the start of your own VIDEO Blog, make a good impression. Encourage comments, follows,  feedback, include your website address, contact details, social media channels. Worldprofit Member resources Silver and Platinum VIP members, you have access to both free and paid advertising options in your member area. Those services include Solo Ad Blasts, monthly traffic injections, safelist memberships, rotator advertising, featured ads, classifieds, promo codes and more.      Social Media (Facebook; YouTube; Twitter; Instagram; Linkedin) If you don't already have accounts at these social media giants then get one, and start posting. If you need help with graphics, Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP members have access to our Graphics Studio to easily create beautiful images. Set up a Facebook Fan page or Business Page. Use Facebook's Business Suite to study your reach and reactions and post to both Instagram and Facebook at the same time. Set up your own YouTube Channel. Post quality content on a regular basis pertaining to your niche to start growing your followers.     Newsletters Top marketers have specific lists of subscribers, people who have either purchased or expressed an interest in an offer. Your house list, or marketing list is gold and needs to be given continual attention. The bigger your list the more potential buyers. Worldprofit provides a Certified Email Delivery option, called Email Commander  that helps you get MORE of your offers into email boxes instead of being filtered to a spam folder.  Big companies have the same problem with spam folders as does the little guy, we can help you with solutions that work.  SEO (Google Analytics) Worldprofit Members have access to several SEO (search engine optimization) tools in your Website management section. We've made it easy for you to set this up. If you are new to affiliate marketing set up your SEO per Google Analytics then get back to actively promoting. You have control over your ads, your posting, your social media campaigns and your direct advertising. For newbies, don't waste your time trying to outsmart Google to get first page status put your time and effort into targeted niche specific marketing per this article.   Vendor Advertising (Solo Ads, Classified Ads, Featured Ads, Leads, Sponsor Ads, Rotators)  Expand your marketing reach, put your offers in front of new eyeballs by purchasing advertising from trusted vendors. We've compiled a list of trusted vendors in your Worldprofit member area, or use your own, either way - remember MORE PROMOTION is BETTER. No promotion = NO sales. Think this is a lot of work? Yup!  Think it will take some time to learn? You bet! Tackle it one day at at ime, do a little more every day, follow Worldprofit's online marketing training system.  Need help?  Contact Worldprofit Support - we've got 25 years of experience in this business to help you grow your online business. Not yet a member of Worldprofit? You are missing out on valuable expert business resources. Get a free Associate membership today. Author Credit: Sandi Hunter, Co-Founder, President, Worldprofit Inc. Worldprofit Inc., has been helping people worldwide to start and grow their own online business for over 25 years now.

Tap into our expertise, software, training and marketing system by becoming a free Worldprofit Associate member. 

Republished with author's permission by Roy Mitchell

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Does it pass the sniff test? Affiliate Marketers read this to see why you aren't getting conversions.

"Something stinks" I said. One of our members, let's call him Bob,  asked me to take a look at his advertising campaign for his Affiliate marketing program. He'd spent a lot of money on advertising specifically solo ads, he was getting "sign ups" or leads but none were converting. He'd been at if for some time, watching, waiting for some kind of return. He wasn't a newbie either, he'd been doing online marketing for a few years. Finally in frustration he came to me for help.  I am sharing with you what I found, so you can avoid making the same mistakes and know what to look for when you buy advertising to promote your own affiliate marketing links. First, I took a look at his Solo Ad copy. It was well written, got to the point, punchy, benefit - rich and enticed the reader to click for a Special Free Offer. No problems with his Solo Ad copy whatsoever.    Next, I looked at the landing page he was using in his marketing, he had 3 different test versions and was tracking clicks on each. Each landing page (squeeze page) was well written, employed all the essentials of good copy writing, attention getting headlines, call to action, clear benefits, compelling offer, simple sign up / optin form. Then I reviewed his click rate data for each page.   He had a significant number of clicks with an interesting pattern. When the landing page was promoted in his Solo Ad, the clicks came in within seconds and minutes and hour of the posting, then stopped completely. No clicks at all after about an hour of the ad posting. Let me share some experience with you, as a company we spend thousands of dollars on advertising, and I can tell you that when we post an ad, especially to a list, we get leads for the next few days, even the next week. The responses don't abruptly stop within an hour of the posting. The ad may go out in a few minutes, but the recipients don't check / read their emails at the same time.  Next I turned to his list of leads.  The leads when viewed as a long list was revealing. There was a suspicious pattern. They had very similar entry data, first initial only and a last name. Then some with a Name that was exactly the same as the email address. Some were entered in all capital letters, while others had the same style of abbreviations.  Odd. I've been in the affiliate marketing industry for over 25 years, I can tell you one fact about data entry. Numerous people don't enter data in the very same way, and rarely on a list of 100 leads would you see the exact same or very similar data entry pattern. Here's the real eye-opener. When I analyzed if any of these "sign ups" had done anything after they entered their name / email to the optin form, I found that NONE of these leads had taken any further action. By action I mean, they didn't login, they didn't take the next step to "GET" what they had opted in to, or signed up for. Strange. If you are like me, when you "Sign up" for something you usually take (or are required) to take further action to verify the optin, or click to access the provided services, or login to collect on what you were offered and signed up for. Even if you are not like me, you would think that at least SOME of the leads / sign ups would "do" something, not one did. Why?  These leads didn't pass the sniff test.  I broke it to Bob. The sign ups were fake, either generated by a robot, or a software auto click program, or spit out by a randomized database of names / addresses/ spoofed IP addresses.  The leads are delivered in large numbers quickly to make the buyer happy. His reason for no conversion? The leads weren't real people, robots and fake names don't buy.  Finally, I asked Bob, where he had placed the Solo Ads. When he told me the source where he had been posting, the gig was up. He had been using a source that our experience and testing shows is a complete waste of money.    Author:  Sandi Hunter, President, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc. —-> Not yet a World Profit member? You're missing out on valuable services and training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. World Profit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for 25 years now World Profit continues to be the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust World Profit for online training and support. 

Get a free Associate membership here - get the help you need - start getting RESULTS. 

Republished with author's permission by Roy Mitchell

Marketing on YouTube for Affiliate Marketers: What you Need to Know and Do to GROW your Followers

Affiliate marketers have heard the secret to making online sales is to have a list, and to grow that list so you have an ever-increasing list of potential buyers. This is 100% true. Now what about Social Media? Growing your "list" on social media is about growing your followers, your subscribers. Email marketing involves emailing your list of subscribers or borrowing someone else's list and sending out offers. Social Media marketing involves SPEAKING directly to your subscribers/ followers and building relationships with your viewers that may lead to sales. It all starts with 1 good video on a topic that is of keen interest to many.  Let's talk about YouTube and how Affiliate Marketers can grow your own following / subscribers (and list) to build your sales machine. So the question becomes what are you going to talk about in your videos to get interest, and keep interest? First, decide what your first Video is going to be about, who is your ideal viewer, what do you want to convey and achieve with your video.  It's helpful to find someone who is doing NOW what you want to do.  Find someone in your industry with a large following. Watch them, learn, how and what to they say and do,  make your own to fit your niche.  When getting started, keep your video productions simple, as you get more comfortable and grow you can get more sophisticated later. Think big. If you are going to take the time to plan your videos, record your videos with the goal of generating buzz you need to plan for growth.   Plan on doing a SERIES of videos, short, topic specific videos that provide good content, interesting or entertaining content.   Catchy titles for your videos with key words targeting your niche are vital. Example Video Title: How to get FREE Advertising for your Affiliate Marketing Links - STOP paying for ads, do this, it's free Suggested length of video: 2 - 5  minutes Goal of Your Youtube Video(s): Generate Associates, Generate Subscribers to your Channel (your list), Brand Yourself, Create Relationships with your followers. It's hard to talk about yourself in a video so start with the fact that people love stories, and they also love how-to information, if you have expertise to share then help others. Share expertise, secrets, strategies, favorite sites, sales tools, advertising aids, sales suggestions, tips, tricks, what works for you, what doesn't work,'s all a possibility.  When you talk in your videos speak directly to the viewer as an individual. Be respectful.  Suggested content and topics: -Your experience as an affiliate marketer, why you like the industry -What you know now that you wish you had known then -Your favorite Worldprofit resources / software / tools / training component -What works for you, what doesn't work -Reviews of your favorite, sites, products, affiliate marketing programs -How to do to do that...  -Benefits of Worldprofit's free Associate Membership, how to sign up, get free stuff for joining -How to get free advertising from Worldoprift (sign up for a free Associate membership, give your own URL to sign up under you) -How you found Worldprofit. What appealed to you about Worldprofit, why they are so very different. -How to start and grow your own online business as a free Associate member at Worldprofit -If you have expertise in a specific industry/ niche, share it, invite people to follow you to learn more on that topic  -It's ok not to be perfect, to be a little different, stand out from the crowd, be your own unique brand. -Benefits of being a free Associate member (free advertising etc, sign up, login,explore what Worldprofit offers ) -Benefits of being a Silver Member, a Platinum VIP Member -During your video and at the end always ask for viewers to subscribe to your channel AND to sign up for a free Worldprfoit Associate membership (include your URL/landing page)  Brain Food: In your Worldprofit Product Vault are a number of resources, and training aids for marketing on YouTube, and other social media,  do a search, download free.  IMPORTANT: Do not make any income claims in your videos. Include this in each of your videos. EARNINGS DISCLAIMER This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. This is not financial advice. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require hard-work, experience, and knowledge. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. I won't put anything here that I haven't verified and/or personally used myself.

 Get a free Associate Membership at Worldprofit to explore and discover for yourself why Worldprofit is the #1 choice of Affiliate marketers everywhere.

 Republished with author's permission by Roy Mitchell

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

10 Costly Search Engine Mistakes to Avoid


If you have a website then you already know the importance of traffic. Traffic is to Internet marketing as location is to real estate. It's the only thing that really matters. If you cannot generate targeted visitors to your site, you will not make any sales.

Usually the owner or designer of the website is the person designated to drive traffic to the site. The chief ingredient in generating traffic is the search engine. Of course, you can use advertising, but it's going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known.

Unfortunately, many website owners do not understand the importance of search engine visibility, which leads to traffic. They place more importance on producing a "pretty" website. Not that this is bad, but it is really secondary to search engine placement. Hopefully, the following list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you generate more targeted traffic to your site...after all, isn't that what you want.

1. Not using keywords effectively.
This is probably one of the most critical area of site design. Choose the right keywords and potential customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones and your site will see little, if any, traffic.

2. Repeating the same keywords.
When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may downgrade (or skip) the page or site.

3. Robbing pages from other websites.
How many times have you heard or read that "this is the Internet and it's ok" to steal icons and text from websites to use on your site. Don't do it. Its one thing to learn from others who have been there and another to outright copy their work. The search engines are very smart and usually detect page duplication. They may even prevent you from ever being listed by them.

4. Using keywords that are not related to your website.
Many unethical website owners try to gain search engine visibility by using keywords that have nothing at all to do with their website. They place unrelated keywords in a page (such as "sex", the name of a known celebrity, the hot search topic of the day, etc.) inside a meta tag for a page. The keyword doesn't have anything to do with the page topic. However, since the keyword is popular, they think this will boost their visibility. This technique is considered spam by the search engines and may cause the page (or sometimes the whole site) to be removed from the search engine listing.

5. Keyword stuffing.
Somewhat like keyword stacking listed above, this means to assign multiple keywords to the description of a graphic or layer that appears on your website by using the "alt=" HTML parameter. If the search engines find that this text does not really describe the graphic or layer it will be considered spam.

6. Relying on hidden text.
You might be inclined to think that if you cannot see it, it doesn't hurt. Wrong.... Do not try to hide your keywords or keyword phrases by making them invisible. For example, some unethical designers my set the keywords to the same color as the background of the web page; thereby, making it invisible.

7. Relying on tiny text.
This is another version of the item above (relying on hidden text). Do not try to hide your keywords or keyword phrases by making them tiny. Setting the text size of the keywords so small that it can barely be seen does this.

8. Assuming all search engines are the same.
Many people assume that each search engine plays by the same rules. This is not so. Each has their own rule base and is subject to change anytime they so desire. Make it a point to learn what each major search engine requires for high visibility.

9. Using free web hosting.
Do not use free web hosting if you are really serious about increasing site traffic via search engine visibility. Many times the search engines will eliminate content from these free hosts.

10. Forgetting to check for missing web page elements.
Make sure to check every page in your website for completeness, like missing links, graphics, etc. There are sites on the web that will do this for free.

This is just a few of the methods and techniques that you should avoid. Do not give in to the temptation that these methods will work for you. They will do more harm than good for your website.

Not only will you spend weeks of wasted effort, you may have your site banned from the search engines forever. Invest a little time to learn the proper techniques for increasing search engine visibility and your net traffic will increase.


Traffic Max

Friday, December 17, 2021

Top 9 Reasons Why Your Emails May Not be Converting


1. Lack of Data Analysis

Email marketing and process automation systems include a wealth of analytical tools and statistics to help you analyze and assess the performance of your commercial and promotional emails. Thus, if you aren’t keeping a track of everything, you’re probably missing out on important information as to why your method is failing.

Make A/B testing and statistical analysis a frequent and regular component of your email marketing strategy, if you haven’t previously. By making such arrangements, you will be able to observe which things work and which don’t work at all. It will help you make more efficient and informed judgments ahead.

2. Boring copy

It’s possible that your business emails aren’t converting because they aren’t particularly attractive to your readers.

Day in and out, most people receive a large number of emails that are related to different aspects of their lives. As a result, to manage their overflowing inboxes, people prioritize what emails they want to interact with and what they want to ignore to avoid overwhelming themselves, which typically implies that perhaps the emails and newsletters that get clicked upon probably have more appealing copy than what you are currently using.

You just have a few seconds to captivate your readers, so ensure your material and text are up to the task. Mix it up by using photographs, movies, and other attention-grabbing elements in addition to text content.

3. Low-quality Content

A very common blunder made by digital marketers is using material that isn’t worth a dime. It is a pretty serious problem if the material you distribute isn’t compelling. Readers will lose interest at some point and opt out of your business mailing list or blog.

You should also never send emails riddled with spelling errors and grammatical faults. It is important to realize that such practice will destroy your chances of making a transaction.

By distributing bad content, you are indicating to your readers and prospective customers that you have a low-quality control system because your business doesn’t even bother to check a badly worded email before sending it out. And if that’s the case, how can people trust the goods or services you’re selling?

Before clicking the submit button, be certain that your content is top tier, high quality, and engaging. Similarly, you should double-check the content on your homepage. Is the reader of your email directed to your official site? If that’s the case, make sure the landing page is attention-grabbing. You don’t want to send prospective consumers fleeing into the hands of your competition.

4. Unclear CTA

Conversions aren’t frequently made by chance. You shouldn’t be shocked at results if you don’t incorporate a clear, forceful, and unambiguous CTA with well-placed contact options.

You must make sure that your prospective customers understand exactly what you require them to do when your emails reach them.

If you desire the recipient to read a recent blog article, join a webinar that you are hosting, or make a purchase, you must make be clear and present the actions you want them to take unambiguously. If you fail to communicate clearly through the CTA, you’re squandering engagement by failing to put it to good use.

5. Emails Lacking Value

Successful business emails all seem to have 1 common factor: they add some value to their receivers’ life.

Not everybody is as enthused about the same topics as you, and they aren’t interested in wasting their time on emails and letters that don’t have a benefit.

And, if you too are missing the whole point of providing value to your subscribers, they will be less likely to view your business emails.

Provide your readers with something valuable in exchange for their time, like a voucher, a free download, or early access to a newly launched product. You’ll see an increase in conversions right away, and also interest which will carry over into future marketing campaigns.

6. Badly Segmented Lists

Bulk emails should be avoided at all costs. Delivering the same information to your whole mailing list is the ultimate recipe for an email marketing disaster since it falls short of contemporary customer needs for customization. Not all information is relevant to all customers.

You must divide your mailing lists into clear segments, and you must do it appropriately when it comes to sending commercial emails. Most firms do this by segmenting their customer contacts into groups based on their position in the funnel, then sending tailored material to every group according to their tastes, preferences, inquiries, and problem areas.

7. Click Baiting

Have you heard of the term “click-baiting”? The term refers to generating material with the sole intention of capturing reader attention and enticing them to engage with your desired links to make money from advertisers.

Clickbait may come in a variety of formats, including email. It is not a good idea to rely on spectacular headlines or a provocative image to generate visitors to your website. People are growing smarter and better at recognizing clickbait-style stuff these days, and they won’t hesitate to remove you from their personal social media pages.

There’s a distinction between writing headlines that convert to something more valuable and exploiting a reader’s intrigue intentionally for gain.

8. Content Stuffing

“Content is king,” is a very popular saying in the marketing and content sector and is true to its meaning. But, it is only true when you are writing a long-read blog article. Not all content is suitable for all kinds of communication media. The wrong content in an email can have disastrous consequences.

Acknowledge that a substantial percentage of your users will read your emails and newsletters on a mobile device. As a result, cramming your mails with a lot of information, photographs, wacky graphics, and a lot of unnecessary design elements will only irritate readers while ruining their concentration, not to mention the increased amount of time it will take for them to download the email.

Keep your content short and sweet, with only one call to action or CTA. Don’t bombard your readers with too much content and sensory experiences in an attempt to accomplish many objectives in a single email.

9. Email Repetitions

Busyness or general laziness in marketing strategies results in some businesses distributing emails that have been sent to their audience many times. If your company does this, it will suffer a poor response.

Most importantly, the recipient will quickly recognize the emails as spam emails. In addition, if the email was ineffective the first time you sent it, it will most likely be ineffective again. Do your homework and deliver freshly crafted emails each time if you’re seeking to build your business.


Email is one of the most low-cost ways to reach out to potential consumers, but poor campaigns convey the idea that a company merely intends to steal resources and leave nothing in exchange. Effective email marketing campaigns prioritize client demands and provide practical solutions to common issues without overpromising. By avoiding the discussed mistakes, digital marketers can address their demographic significantly more successfully; even surpassing traditional radio and TV advertisements.


Thursday, December 9, 2021

E-Marketing Guide : Stop Obsessing over traffic


Posted on 7. Nov, 2021

Getting traffic is a long cycle and can take anywhere between 6 - 12 months to start getting significant traffic.

You need to go through a lot of trial and errors before you know what's actually working for you so that you can double down on the winning tactics.

What you should focus on:

1) Work on your offer:

If you have tons of traffic but nobody is buying from you, then you're not making any money and the traffic you generate becomes meaningless.

So instead, you need to work on your offer and find out what's converting really well for you first, and then you can focus on generate more traffic after that

2) Work on your lead generation strategies

There are many ways to generate leads such as Banner Ads, Email Ads, SEO, Social Media Ads...etc. These are all great ways to generate leads but you need to make sure your ads are seen by like-minded people so posting your ads to the right group/forum is very important to reliable leads.

3) Nurture your leads

After you receive a lead, you need to have follow up emails to see if they qualify, and then to pitch them and then close them. Don't ever think that after you get a lead they will just give you money right away. Spend more time with them and help them with what they need first, and the rest will come naturally.

4) Optimizing for Conversions

Always check your sales process like from a product page to checkout page, to upsell page...etc. You need to figure out where the drop off is and work on that. For example, if most people are leaving the product page, then maybe the image is not attractive, or maybe the description/review is not detailed enough, not enough testimonials..etc

Once you have mastered all of the above, and are getting way better conversion rate from your traffics, that's when you should start to increase the traffic to your site.


Monday, December 6, 2021

5 Skills You Need To Learn For Your Online Home Based Business


An online home business allows you to be own boss and manage your business any way you want. But there are a number of skills you to master to help your results and make your business more profitable.

1. List Building.

List building is most likely the most important component to developing a sustainable online home business. This list building process is about obtaining email addresses of potential customers and putting them into a database. Generally, a prospective customer needs to see your message 7 times before they are inclined to make a decision to purchase from you. Email marketing provides a cost effective and proven tactic to communicate with your customers.

2. Respect And Reputation.

Customers like to deal with and buy from people that they respect. If you set out to sell anything to anybody in the quickest possible time, your work from home online business will not be around for long. If you would not send an email to personal friend, then don't send it to your list. In the same way, if you would not buy a product that you are trying to sell, don't expect the people on your list to buy it.

3. Product Choice.

You can sell products created by other people or you can sell products that you have created yourself. In either case, you need to make certain that what your marketing promises that the product will deliver, is really what is provided. It only takes one poor product to damage your reputation. Verify every product or service carefully before you promote it and stay away from products that promise outlandish results in return for little or no effort.

4. Providing Value.

Think of your online home business as 'telling' rather than 'selling'. If you are always trying to sell to your audience, they will start to tune out. But if you provide useful information, video tutorials, reviews, etc to your audience, they will come to see you as an authority in your niche. People who trust your opinions and knowledge will be more prepared to buy from you.

5. Automation and Outsourcing.

Often when starting an online home business your budget is limited and you try to do everything yourself. But at your business develops, you will need to invest in software that can do jobs for you automatically and look at tasks that you can outsource to others so that you can spend more time working tasks that generate profit. Software such as an email autoreponder is an absolute necessity for your email marketing. Another example could be that you're spending hours trying to create graphics, which you could easily outsource for a minimal cost on freelance websites like Elance and oDesk.

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