Thursday, October 14, 2021

When Do We Need MySQL Databases With Our Web Hosting?


Whenever you buy web hosting, your hosting provider is sure to include an option called "Databases" in his price quotation or package details. But not many of us know what are databases and why we need them when setting up a website. This article aims to explain a couple of reasons why we use databases and when we need them for our website.

The database systems we usually get with our web hosting accounts are all relational database systems or RDBMS. If we take a Windows hosting server we usually get Microsoft SQL aka MSSQL and if we take a Unix based system we usually get MySQL. Both these systems put your website data into tabular layouts for fast and easy retrieval.

Databases are a collection of rows and columns, where each row or column is related to the others in some way. Due to this relation, information from this database can be retrieved quickly and efficiently as compared to if the data was stored in any other unstructured format. You can consider a database as a collection of multiple spreadsheets which are all related to each other in some way or the other.


A major advantage of having your data stored in a database is the ability to protect the database from unauthorized access, or the ability to protect a database record from being tampered with. A simple example would be the storage of login credentials. In a simple way, login credentials can be stored in a simple text file and be read by your script which does the authentication. However, your file will always save the password stored in plan text, making it vulnerable to anyone who has access to it. Databases have the ability to encrypt the entries using a hashing algorithm to obscure them. Further, to read or write to the database, you need to specify login details, something which is not easily possible with an ordinary text file or spreadsheet.


Due to the manner in which data is stored in the database, retrieval and storage is most efficient. Unlike a spreadsheet, where anything and everything can be stored in any cell, SQL restricts the type of information stored in each row or column based on certain conditions. This validation is inherent in the properties of SQL and is an added advantage for a programmer or developer. Due to the various inbuilt mechanisms that are present in RDBMS systems, they are the most preferred method of storage and retrieval of data.

An article on the DatabaseJournal Blog explains this in a lucid way:

"...The problem with text files is during a read, if the text file is large, it can take quite a bite of time to open and scan the contents of the file looking for what we want. Also, if we wanted to see all the sales to a specific customer, the entire text file would have to be read, and every line occurrence of the customer name would need to be saved in some temporary place until we had them all. If we saved to a spreadsheet instead of a text file, we would have a Sort feature built in. So we may be able to find all the sales to a specific customer quicker, but again, if the file was large, opening the spreadsheet could take a great deal of time."

Administrative Control

Database systems also have various control mechanisms which allow easy administration of the database and tables within it. The most important part is user management. Each user can be given specific rights to the database, thereby allowing limitation in access so as to secure the data from being tampered, modified or altered. Database Administrator's can tweak many settings of the database thereby restricting the flow of data, the connection speeds, maximum number of connections to the server and even adjust what hardware resources should be allocated for performing a task.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021



The Happiness Factory

At Proprofit we are on a mission to make people happier!

Do you want to understand how we utilise the Clubshop Rewards Program to pursue our noble mission?

Register as a Clubshop Member now!

CLUBSHOP is an online shopping mall that enables you to shop online at big-name stores, and off-line at local businesses all the while getting cash back on all your personal purchases! We also offer you the opportunity to become an affiliate and earn commissions on the purchases made by anyone you refer to shop with us. When you partner with us this way, the benefits are endless!

As a member or affiliate, you or your organization can also decide to upgrade your membership status by purchasing one of our GPS (Global Partner System) monthly subscriptions and become partners. This gives you the opportunity of taking advantage of our business infrastructure which allows you to build a global organization of partners, affiliates and shoppers. This way, you will burn override commissions on the purchases of your entire network and earn more!

Here's the good news; signing up to join us at CLUBSHOP is totally free!

After you sign up, you get to choose from the three amazing opportunities that we have on offer. You can decide if you or your organization want(s) to be a shopper, affiliate, partner or affinity group.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Email Marketing: Old Way VS. New Way...


There are 2 ways to go about doing email marketing and each way has a certain number of steps in order to get paid. 

I’ll call these 2 ways “The Old Way” and “The New Way”...

Let’s take a look at these two different methods and the steps involved:

The Old Way:

Create a Product (manual)

Create a Landing Page (manual)

Create a Sales Page (manual)

Create an Upsell Page (manual)

Made Ads (manual)

Sell Products (manual)

Manage Support (manual)

Get Paid (manual)

The New Way:

You hardly work

Build a List (automated)

Mail the List (automated)

Get Paid (automated)

Want to learn how to get started with the NEW way, starting today?

Check out the Secret Email System by genius marketer, Matt Bacak, and SAVE 85% OFF for a limited time...

It's literally just over $5 bucks, but not for long!

Get instant access and lock in your discount here:

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Why Over 90% of Internet Startups Fail Today


Do you know anyone who would like to quit their job and work from the comfort of home on their computer?  Do you know anyone who has quit their job, jumped onto the internet with no preparation, no education, and no training with hopes to make a living online?

The fact is that according to many sources, more than 90% of all internet business start-ups end in failure within the first 120 days.  Yes, you read that right.  9 out of 10 are out of business within 90 days.  This failure rate should be a warning to those that are unhappy with their 9 to 5 and looking to  make a living online from home.

However, there is that other 10%.  What is the other 10% doing that the 90% isn't?  There are many factors to consider.  The most important is that success doesn't happen overnight.  Have you ever read an email that says something like, "Turn $2.95 into $5,000 per month in 30 days?" or something similar?  I think we have all seen those.

Success happens because people in the 10% have the right ideas about internet marketing and how it works.  The key word here being "work".  For example, if you went to your 9 to 5 job and when you showed up at the office you did absolutely nothing.  Do you think your employer would be willing to pay you?  I think not. However, the other 90% believe they can get a website online, and wahla,  no work required.  They couldn't be farther from the truth.

The other 10% of successful internet marketers list 4 important factors for a successful internet business.

1 - Self-discipline.  This is probably the most difficult for your typical 9-to-5'er to overcome.  You see, that person is used to having instructions given to them and they carry out their assignment.  The do what they are told and get a paycheck on Friday.  Anything to keep the boss happy and get paid, right? 

Well if you want to make a living online from home is anyone gonna be there to tell you what, how and when to do it?  I think not.  If you want to make a living online from home be prepared to work.  Most internet marketers I know have put in long and tedious hours to get their business where they want it. 

2 - Non-stop training.  The internet moves fast and changes abruptly.  Be prepared to adjust accordingly or get left behind.  You see, you have to lose the employee mindset.  This is your business.  Treat it like a business.  That means you do whatever you have to do to make it work.

3 - Have a plan.  The 'ole saying "Plan your work and work your plan" is never more true than in your home business.  You must know the what, when, where and  how to get you where you want to go.  Make sure your plan is long-term and not get rich quick.  You may have to adjust your plan as you go and a 'never give up' attitude will serve you well when working from home.

4 - Seek advice from those that are living it.  Most successful internet marketers will tell you straight forward that they learn most of their internet skills from other internet marketers that have accomplished what they want to accomplish.  The internet is  a copy-cat world.  Learn from others and seek a mentor.

Sunday, October 3, 2021



Let me go straight to the point: 

The majority of people without an entrepreneurial mindset stay poor all their lives because they want to make money immediately and with no effort.

At Clubshop, we know about this reality, and we are doing all that we can to enable even these people to make money. 

But it’s not mathematically going to happen, and, most of all, If they want to succeed, these people need to change their mindset from greedy to grateful. And the latter doesn’t depend on us. It’s only their responsibility. It depends on their willingness to change it.

What do I mean by that?

Well, I’m sorry if, with this post, I could hurt someone’s sensibility. Anyway, if you’re anything like me, you prefer to hear the truth, not what is more delicate.

So, let’s start from a fundamental principle: You can’t build a genuine, legitimate, and profitable business in just a few months. It sounds even apparent. Nevertheless, even if it seems incredible, unsuccessful people believe that they have to blame something or someone if they don’t succeed in just a few months. Never themselves.

If you have an entrepreneurial mindset instead, you know that to become successful, you need faith, persistence, enthusiasm, and determination to never give up until you have achieved all your goals.

Success is not for the weak. It’s the legitimate reward that only the braves deserve. 

In over two decades in online marketing, unfortunately, I’ve seen that the vast majority of people are weak, whiners, and quitters, which is why that same vast majority of people keep poor for all their lives or until they change their way of being.

If we could reduce the problem to a single starting point, I would say that the fundamental reason they are weak, whiners, and quitters, is that they are greedy instead of grateful.

Which is even understandable somehow. If you always lived a life of scarcity, you usually tend to be greedy instead of generous because fear dominates you. The problem is that if you allow fear to control your life, you’ll never get out of the negative situation you are experiencing. It’s a vicious circle: 

– Scarcity produces fear, which creates even more scarcity.

Fear is what blocks abundance in so many lives.

Bringing all the above at the Clubshop business level, this toxic mindset creates all kinds of destructive thoughts that lead millions of people to an inevitable failure rather than to an accessible, affordable brilliant future.

We see that every day.

On the other hand, fortunately, we also see loads of people able to inspire others with their generosity, faith, passion, enthusiasm, and persistence.

The way these people see things is aligned to their goals and their success. Instead than aligned to their failure as the other ones do.

That’s why they’ll succeed. It’s as simple as that.

Do you want an example of an essential thought that successful Clubshop members have in the back of their minds, while the others don’t? Here you are:

“Thank you, Clubshop, for providing us with all the tools and strategy we need to run a successful online business for such a tiny monthly fee. I know that if I had to do anything similar, I had to educate myself for years and then invest millions.”

Can you see the difference?

Instead of seeing the GPS monthly fee as a pain in the ass, they’re grateful because they know the GPS’s unique value and are enthusiastic about it.

The good news is that even the most pessimistic, negative, whining, and skeptical people can become aware of their limiting beliefs at any moment of their life.

This awareness enables everyone to radically change their mind from destructive to constructive in a matter of seconds to start a new fulfilling life.

Why not you, and why not now?

We were hoping you could start your journey with us and never give up until we have achieved our common goals together.

We all want a better life. Together we can make it.  The GPS is our shared vehicle.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

How To Start Internet Business The Easy Way


The most straightforward way to start an online business is to sell products or services that have already been created and have resources and materials ready for you to use. Every time you sell the product the product owner will pay you a commission. This business model, known as affiliate marketing, is how many successful internet entrepreneurs started their own online home business. So how does it work?

Starting An Online Business The Easy Way.

All good affiliate programs have a wide range of resources to help you start an online business and sell products online. This can include banner advertisements, suggested keywords, a report to give away for free, and pre-written articles, blog posts and email messages.

Your primary task is to get prospective customers to click on your affiliate link that will take them to the product sales page or, ideally, to a squeeze page where you offer them a free report (provided by the product owner) on the subject of your product in return for their name and email address. When you have their email address you'll be able to market to them after the initial sale. If you only direct traffic to the sales page and the prospect does not buy anything you have lost all contact with that customer.

To get traffic to your squeeze page you can use strategies such as pay per click advertising, written content on article directories, classified advertisements, banner adverts, blog posts and video marketing.

How To Do Online Business.

When you start an online business, very few people will buy from you the first time that they see your message, so you need to create a sales funnel. A sales funnel is the process that starts from the time when your potential customer clicks on your link to the time when they actually buy.

Your sales funnel starts with you driving traffic to your squeeze page using one of the strategies mentioned above. Your potential customer lands on your squeeze page and enters their email address on the page list to get the free report, that was provided by the product owner. They receive the free report, followed by a sequence of emails about the product, again written for you by the product owner. These emails will all include a link to the product sales page. Once the prospective customer has read all the benefits they will be more likely click on the link in your email and buy the product from you.

That's why the number one rule when you start an online business is to build a list of potential customers. It means that you can send follow-up emails to your potential customers about your products and services at anytime, for free. To do this you will need an autorepsonder. An autoresponder can obtain, manage and organize your email list of customers, something that is almost impossible to do manually with an online home business.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How To Promote A New Website – A Step By Step Guide


Many new marketers fail to start because they are not sure how to promote a new website.

So today I’m going to show you step by step what I normally do when I start a new website.

Before listing down the step by step instructions, I need to clarify that what I’m doing is to promote 15 to 40 pages Adsense website or product review website. It can be a static site or a blog.

“Why is it important to clarify on this?” You may ask.

This is because you can start many kinds of websites. Adsense or product review website is just one easy way to make ‘small’ money online, but when you have 100s of these little sites, it’s more than enough to quit your job!

Other forms of website you can start include a squeeze page to build list, a mega service site like LeadsLeap, your own product site such as your own Clickbank product etc. The strategies required for these kinds of website is different from promoting Adsense or product review website.

For one, you can’t do any form of joint venture for Adsense or product review sites. You can do advertising, provided you know what you are doing. But search engine optimization is a surefire free traffic source that you can rely on and once you get such traffic, it’s going to serve you for years!

So in this article, when I say promoting a new website, I’m really talking about promoting it to get search engine traffic.

I’m not going to talk about on-page search engine optimization here. You can read it somewhere else or if you post a request below, I’ll probably discuss it in my next blog post.

Today, what I’m going to share with you is off-page optimization, which is all about building link juice to your website.

Ok, I hope by now you get the whole picture and are ready to see the simple steps that I use for all my little sites that are enough to earn me a full time income.

Step 1 – Bookmark 1 page of your website at Digg and Propeller

This is the first thing you should do once your website is ready. Just choose any 1 page and bookmark it at Digg and Propeller. This will get your website indexed by Google, usually in less than 3 days.

Warning: Don’t bookmark more than 1 page and if you have tons of websites that look similar, make sure you open different accounts to bookmark or your account may be suspended. I have my account suspended twice! Technically speaking, you shouldn’t bookmark your own website. But if you do it under the radar, it is the fastest way to get your website indexed.

Step 2 – Write 5 articles and post to as many article directories as possible

Some of the directories you must “hand” submit to are EzinearticlesArticleDashBoardBuzzleGoArticles.

Next, take up a lifetime membership here and submit all your articles there. From my experience, 5 article submissions will give you 100-200 backlinks.

Step 3 – Submit your website to link directories

There is an argument on whether submitting to link directories is still effective as a form of link building. I’ve been doing it since 2006 as an integral part of the whole process and frankly I’m not sure what would happen if I stop doing it. Maybe one day I should try!

However, one thing for sure is the links count. If you do a link search for some high PR sites, you’ll see that many links come from link directories. If you believe that every link to your website will help you in your search engine ranking, submitting your website to link directories is a great way to get tons of one way link.

You can either do it yourself, which was what I did when I first started, or if you have the budget, get a freelancer to submit for you. You can get some cheap bargain here.

Step 4 – Set up 3 way link exchange

You probably are familiar with 3 way link. Yes, it’s one of my favorite tools too. If you are new, 3 way link is a little too ‘expensive’ for you. The price is $47 a month. Get it when you have 10-20 websites.

That’s all I do whenever I launch a new Adsense or product review site. Even without step 4, just by doing step 1 to 3 will get your website to PR 2-3.

What can you do with a PR 2-3 website?

Well, besides making money from Adsense and affiliate sales, you can sell link and make another $20 a month from each website you own. 


Email System

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  Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health! We appr...