Tuesday, July 6, 2021



Physical activity in our weight loss and fitness culture is very much misinterpreted. We see professional fitness models working out three times a day and assume it is the way to go. This mentality leads to more failures in weight loss than successes. Many dieters have fallen victim to this misinformation. The so-called "secret" is that physical activity makes up just a small fraction of weight loss. Although it can be bigger if one chooses so. The problem is that most of us tend to compensate for our poor nutrition by exercising more. This just doesn't work. Let's look at an example. Let's say you eat ideally overall, but every day you snack just a little, because those small amounts won't affect your energy balance much. Or you think so.

. Chocolate, 50 grams = 330 kcal

. Donut = 350 kcal

. Cappuccino = 200-300 kcal

. Potato chips 50 grams = 280 kcal

. Just a quick sandwich = 200-300 kcal

You get the point - you get those hidden calories from what seems like nothing. It is very common for one to get 500-1000 "extra" calories a day unnoticed. And then you wonder why your weight doesn't drop, even though you eat correctly. Then you determine that it is the lack of exercise and start to move more and more. For you to undo the 500 extra calories per day, you have to do any of the following:

. Jog for 45 minutes.

. Bicycle for 60 minutes.

. Spend 2 hours in the gym.

. Or walk for 2 hours.

So, you see the problem - those extra calories are easy to gain, but it is a lot of work to get rid of them. One can never outrun a bad diet. It must always be the other way around - you eat to compensate for physical activity. It is like this for fitness models, professional athletes, and you to transform your metabolism and body successfully. That's one of the reasons the nutrition chapters came before physical activity. But why couldn't you just exercise all your fat away, you might ask? Because your body can't handle this unless you're an athlete or in a very good shape. People start their lifestyle transformations with great enthusiasm and go from 0 to 100 in one day. This leads them to overwork their bodies that are in bad shape to begin with. This causes physical and then mental burnout quite quickly, and many people give up at this point and dump all their beautiful plans for healthy transformation. The other common problem with physical activity is that, subconsciously, we a

 llow ourselves to eat more when we work out. This has been shown in many studies and comes naturally. We quickly eat back all of the burned calories and more because "we deserve it."

The other way to see the futility in this is to compare the calories burned by category. Let's say a person burns through 2500 kcal every day. For the average person, 2000 kcal of this is resting metabolic rate, and only 500 kcal of physical activity. And as for calories one consumes, come 100% from food. That's why it is much smarter to prioritize nutrition and metabolic rate in this equation.

All that being said, physical activity CAN be a powerful tool in activating your metabolism. For this purpose, we have divided physical activity into four different areas, because of their effect on metabolism and practical applicability. Those are:

. Everyday activities

. Aerobic, Strength, and High intensity

We will go over all of these, and you'll learn how you can use those to get the best results.

Remember this one thing - you can't out-train a lousy diet. Physical activity is a bonus, not a solution.



Monday, July 5, 2021

Stop Making Excuses: Improve Your Business, Increase Your Profits


Stop Making Excuses: Improve Your Business, Increase Your Profits

Legitimate excuses. no excuses

What's yours? We all have them.

A legitimate excuse is the reason you say you can't do something.

I hear a lot of legitimate excuses. I hear them from clients during coaching calls and, boy, do I hear them during sales conversations.

Legitimate excuses I hear from clients are:

-I can't speak with potential clients until I have the particulars of a program worked out or a sales page completed. -I can't go to a networking event until I figure out what to say in my elevator pitch. -I can't do any sales calls because I haven't decided which follow up system to use. -I need to do more research so I can choose the best one.

A potential client may tell me:

-I have 3 more coaches to speak with before I make a decision. -I need to incorporate all the things I've already learned before I embark on a new program. -I am in debt, won't go in debt or don't have enough cash flow to invest in something. -I am in several other programs right now and don't have the bandwidth to do another one. -I promised myself that before I sign up for a program to grow my business I would get two new clients.

Nobody questions legitimate excuses, not even you. After all, they're true.

The question you should ask yourself is, is your legitimate excuse really legitimate? Is it a valid reason to say no? If the answer is no, it is not.

Even though your excuse is valid it often represents an easy way out.

They allow you to escape a challenge, an uncomfortable situation, a commitment, or something that you are afraid of. They give you a good excuse to stop yourself, an escape clause.

Want to know what my "legitimate excuse" has been?

My kids.

I take my role as a mom very seriously. I believe it is my job to make sure my kids get to where they need to be, to be there when they get home from school, to make sure there is food in the house and dinner on the table each night. I started my business so that I could be with my family.

I put off joining a mastermind group that would require traveling for four years. I didn't go to a networking event if it met before or after school. It was a legitimate excuse. Who could question it? I didn't.

Then I challenged myself. What was saying no protecting me from? Didn't I want to grow my business? How would taking this risk help me?

Family comes first for me, but there are times I need to step back and realize that putting my business first allows me to give my family and me what we need. So, I joined a mastermind that required some travel, went to selected evening networking events and did not go to early morning events.

So what does this mean for you?

There are times to finish up what you've already got on your plate, pay attention to your cash flow and yes, put your family first. There are also times when you owe it to yourself to take a moment to make a decision and not just fall back on a stock response.

Make a real decision. Challenge yourself. Figure out why you are really saying yes or no. Take a moment to uncover what would happen if you did it.

Finally, remember what's right for you isn't necessarily what's right for someone else. Don't judge others for the decisions they make and don't make your decisions based on fear of what other people will say about you.

Make your decision based on what is right for you and your business.

Yes, it might be a stretch but what will that stretch get you. What will overcoming some difficulties or finding a way around your own excuse yield?

What legitimate excuse do you use?

Saturday, July 3, 2021

10 Ways To Suck Up Orders Quicker Than A Super Vacuum


1. Increase the number of visitors that revisit your
web site by publishing a free course right on your
site. Just release a new lesson once a week.

2. Make sure your graphics load correctly on your
web site. Broken graphics will make your business
look very unprofessional.

3. Avoid using scrolling marquees on your web site.
They take the attention away from your ad copy
and make your web page load slower.

4. Make your web site writing exciting to read. You
can use emotional words, descriptive adjectives,
highlight keywords with color, etc.

5. Remember to reach out and touch your visitors
offline. When your visitors give you offline contact
information use it to send them some direct mail.

6. Use guest books to improve your web site. Your
visitors will leave good and bad comments. Review
the comments and use them to improve your site.

7. Regularly check and resubmit your web site's
search engine rankings. They can drop very quickly
because of all the competition.

8. Divide your price over a period of time to make
it sound less. Offer a payment plan or show the per
day price. For example, "Only 33 cents per day!"

9. Promote your products within the content of your
web site. If you write and offer free articles tie in
a mention of the product or service you're selling.

10. Update the content on your web site regularly.
You'll want to add new content and update the old




Friday, July 2, 2021

8 Benefits Of Helping An Online Business Newbie

 Do your remember when you first ventured out in the

online business world? You probably had questions
and problems along the way. Wouldn't it have been
easier if you had help? When a newbie asks for your
advice, educate them; answer their questions and help
them solve their online business problems. If you do
not have the knowledge to help them out, point them
in the right direction.

You'll get many benefits from helping online business
newbies. Below are eight possible benefits you could

1. You will feel good knowing that you had a part in
helping them build their business. You can sit back
and say "I had a part in their success."

2. They may become one of your best friends. Most
people can use new friends, even business owners.
You may even become business partners and create
a totally new business together.

3. You could end up being strategic business allies
in the future. You could regularly do joint venture
and cross promotion deals with each other.

4. They may help you out with your business. Maybe
they will give you some testimonials or endorsements
for your products or services.

5. You might gain some valuable referrals from them.
They may also join your affiliate program and make
sales for your business.

6. They might offer you some free advertising space
on their web site or in their e-zine for your help. You
could also exchange advertising with them.

7. You both could end up developing a new product
or service together. The product or service could be
a combination of your current ones.

8. They might purchase the products you sell and
become one of your best customers. You could sell
them many back end products or services in the

There are probably many other benefits you could get
from helping a new online business owner. Always
remember to help them out because it's the nice thing
to do and not just to benefit your own business.

Quote of the Day:

"Only the educated are free." -- Epicetus

Thursday, July 1, 2021

3 Easy Ways To Bring In Website Visitors For Free

 Free website traffic is not actually free in the sense that you have done nothing for it. Although you have not paid any money to anyone, the website traffic will have cost you an element of time and effort to get results. Here are 3 easy ways to increase website traffic without it costing you any money.

Search Engine Traffic.

The websites that continuously increase their website traffic are the ones that regularly produce high quality content. Search engines give preference to websites that are regularly updated with new content. The organic, or natural, search results which are listed on the search engines results show up because of their relevance to the search terms to your online business. If you focus your attention on creating high quality content it will improve your results in the search engines.

Partnering With Websites That Are Related To Yours.

Another great way to get website traffic free is to partner with other websites in your marketplace. Let's say your website is about golf. You could offer to write free content for websites that provide golf equipment and accessories . All you ask for in return is a link back to your website.

Next, you might partner with other golf experts and create a joint video series on how to improve your game. Or you could even do a video series where you interview experts on various elements of the game, like putting, pitching or driving.

You could create a free ebook on how to 'How To Putt Like A Pro' that you can give to other golf websites to give away for free. Obviously, the ebook will have your name on it, with a link back to your website.

Writing A Blogg.

A blog is a website or web page where you write information, facts or opinions on a regular basis for a specific target audience. You can build an online audience by publishing information regularly for people who are interested in what you have to say. If you write an interesting blog it will help to generate free website traffic because readers will keep coming back to the blog to read updates. They will also pass the information onto to their friends and colleagues in the industry.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

6 Questions Asked by First Time Website Owners


There's always a first time. Even when buying web hosting to setup your website. Not everyone is tech savvy, but we all like to satisfy our curiosity about the new toy we are going to buy. If you were born before the 80's you are most likely to ask questions which will make your web host chuckle at your innocence. This article lists some questions which a web host often has to answer when dealing with a new client who has never bought a hosting account. All these are intelligent questions which may appear silly to some.

1. Will I be able to use Linux Hosting if I have a Windows computer at home?

This is a very common question which we get to hear from people born before the 80's. Those who are Microsoft Windows fans are often skeptical about using Linux Hosting for their website, because they relate the incompatibilities of Linux with the Windows OS. However, the only major difference in operations is that Linux cannot run ASP which Windows hosting can do. Besides this Linux servers are more stable and less prone to damage or security risks.

2. Will my email be secret on my web hosting server?

Customers are always worried about privacy and security of their data. As we always like to answer this question with- All web hosts have the ability to see anything on their server. Whether it is Amazon, Google, Yahoo or anyone else. The only differentiating factor is which one is a lesser evil as far as you are concerned and whom you trust the most. You may also consider who is most accountable to you and whose processes are most transparent. Besides this, the information overflow on the server keeps your data as secure as a needle in a haystack.

3. Can I install my own pirated version of Windows in my hosting account?

We don't always feel like answering this one, because the answer is pretty obvious. if you still haven't got it, the answer is No. You cannot install your own version of any software on shared hosting. neither can you install your own operating system on a VPS and you can most definitely not install a pirated version of Windows even if you have a dedicated server. No host will endorse it and in some cases may take action against you.

4. Do I need to provide my passport copy when booking a web hosting account?

You don't need to provide any identification proof when purchasing an account. it is assumed that when you pay by PayPal or Credit Card, you are a genuine party and your bank has done the necessary verification before issuing a Payment facility to you.

5. Can I turn off my website in the night?

The whole point of buying hosting space from a third party vendor is so that you can keep your website live 24 x 7 and without having to keep your home computer on throughout. While you can turn off your website or block access to it every night, it would be better not having those facilities or not having a website at all. Some banks and utility services suspend their services in the night, to accommodate maintenance activities, however, if it is done on a daily basis, it may be frustrating for your users who are expecting a 24 hour service.

6. Can I automatically find out the contact details of the persons visiting my website?

If you want the details from your visitors, why not ask for them directly. You can get a lot of statistics on visitors and their visit behavior, but if you are expecting to know how your visitor looks and where he lives, you maybe a bit disappointed. The closest you can get to knowing more about your visitor is his IP address. Based on the IP Address you can identify the area where he lives. If you want more details, you would need to ask for them or surreptitiously gather that information.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

How To Start Internet Business The Easy Way

 The most straightforward way to start an online business is to sell products or services that have already been created and have resources and materials ready for you to use. Every time you sell the product the product owner will pay you a commission. This business model, known as affiliate marketing, is how many successful internet entrepreneurs started their own online home business. So how does it work?

Starting An Online Business The Easy Way.

All good affiliate programs have a wide range of resources to help you start an online business and sell products online. This can include banner advertisements, suggested keywords, a report to give away for free, and pre-written articles, blog posts and email messages.

Your primary task is to get prospective customers to click on your affiliate link that will take them to the product sales page or, ideally, to a squeeze page where you offer them a free report (provided by the product owner) on the subject of your product in return for their name and email address. When you have their email address you'll be able to market to them after the initial sale. If you only direct traffic to the sales page and the prospect does not buy anything you have lost all contact with that customer.

To get traffic to your squeeze page you can use strategies such as pay per click advertising, written content on article directories, classified advertisements, banner adverts, blog posts and video marketing.

How To Do Online Business.

When you start an online business, very few people will buy from you the first time that they see your message, so you need to create a sales funnel. A sales funnel is the process that starts from the time when your potential customer clicks on your link to the time when they actually buy.

Your sales funnel starts with you driving traffic to your squeeze page using one of the strategies mentioned above. Your potential customer lands on your squeeze page and enters their email address on the page list to get the free report, that was provided by the product owner. They receive the free report, followed by a sequence of emails about the product, again written for you by the product owner. These emails will all include a link to the product sales page. Once the prospective customer has read all the benefits they will be more likely click on the link in your email and buy the product from you.

That's why the number one rule when you start an online business is to build a list of potential customers. It means that you can send follow-up emails to your potential customers about your products and services at anytime, for free. To do this you will need an autorepsonder. An autoresponder can obtain, manage and organize your email list of customers, something that is almost impossible to do manually with an online home business.

Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health!

  Welcome to Heart & Body Naturals. You're just a shot away from increased vitality - and better long term health! We appr...