Thursday, September 30, 2021

How To Start Internet Business The Easy Way


The most straightforward way to start an online business is to sell products or services that have already been created and have resources and materials ready for you to use. Every time you sell the product the product owner will pay you a commission. This business model, known as affiliate marketing, is how many successful internet entrepreneurs started their own online home business. So how does it work?

Starting An Online Business The Easy Way.

All good affiliate programs have a wide range of resources to help you start an online business and sell products online. This can include banner advertisements, suggested keywords, a report to give away for free, and pre-written articles, blog posts and email messages.

Your primary task is to get prospective customers to click on your affiliate link that will take them to the product sales page or, ideally, to a squeeze page where you offer them a free report (provided by the product owner) on the subject of your product in return for their name and email address. When you have their email address you'll be able to market to them after the initial sale. If you only direct traffic to the sales page and the prospect does not buy anything you have lost all contact with that customer.

To get traffic to your squeeze page you can use strategies such as pay per click advertising, written content on article directories, classified advertisements, banner adverts, blog posts and video marketing.

How To Do Online Business.

When you start an online business, very few people will buy from you the first time that they see your message, so you need to create a sales funnel. A sales funnel is the process that starts from the time when your potential customer clicks on your link to the time when they actually buy.

Your sales funnel starts with you driving traffic to your squeeze page using one of the strategies mentioned above. Your potential customer lands on your squeeze page and enters their email address on the page list to get the free report, that was provided by the product owner. They receive the free report, followed by a sequence of emails about the product, again written for you by the product owner. These emails will all include a link to the product sales page. Once the prospective customer has read all the benefits they will be more likely click on the link in your email and buy the product from you.

That's why the number one rule when you start an online business is to build a list of potential customers. It means that you can send follow-up emails to your potential customers about your products and services at anytime, for free. To do this you will need an autorepsonder. An autoresponder can obtain, manage and organize your email list of customers, something that is almost impossible to do manually with an online home business.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How To Promote A New Website – A Step By Step Guide


Many new marketers fail to start because they are not sure how to promote a new website.

So today I’m going to show you step by step what I normally do when I start a new website.

Before listing down the step by step instructions, I need to clarify that what I’m doing is to promote 15 to 40 pages Adsense website or product review website. It can be a static site or a blog.

“Why is it important to clarify on this?” You may ask.

This is because you can start many kinds of websites. Adsense or product review website is just one easy way to make ‘small’ money online, but when you have 100s of these little sites, it’s more than enough to quit your job!

Other forms of website you can start include a squeeze page to build list, a mega service site like LeadsLeap, your own product site such as your own Clickbank product etc. The strategies required for these kinds of website is different from promoting Adsense or product review website.

For one, you can’t do any form of joint venture for Adsense or product review sites. You can do advertising, provided you know what you are doing. But search engine optimization is a surefire free traffic source that you can rely on and once you get such traffic, it’s going to serve you for years!

So in this article, when I say promoting a new website, I’m really talking about promoting it to get search engine traffic.

I’m not going to talk about on-page search engine optimization here. You can read it somewhere else or if you post a request below, I’ll probably discuss it in my next blog post.

Today, what I’m going to share with you is off-page optimization, which is all about building link juice to your website.

Ok, I hope by now you get the whole picture and are ready to see the simple steps that I use for all my little sites that are enough to earn me a full time income.

Step 1 – Bookmark 1 page of your website at Digg and Propeller

This is the first thing you should do once your website is ready. Just choose any 1 page and bookmark it at Digg and Propeller. This will get your website indexed by Google, usually in less than 3 days.

Warning: Don’t bookmark more than 1 page and if you have tons of websites that look similar, make sure you open different accounts to bookmark or your account may be suspended. I have my account suspended twice! Technically speaking, you shouldn’t bookmark your own website. But if you do it under the radar, it is the fastest way to get your website indexed.

Step 2 – Write 5 articles and post to as many article directories as possible

Some of the directories you must “hand” submit to are EzinearticlesArticleDashBoardBuzzleGoArticles.

Next, take up a lifetime membership here and submit all your articles there. From my experience, 5 article submissions will give you 100-200 backlinks.

Step 3 – Submit your website to link directories

There is an argument on whether submitting to link directories is still effective as a form of link building. I’ve been doing it since 2006 as an integral part of the whole process and frankly I’m not sure what would happen if I stop doing it. Maybe one day I should try!

However, one thing for sure is the links count. If you do a link search for some high PR sites, you’ll see that many links come from link directories. If you believe that every link to your website will help you in your search engine ranking, submitting your website to link directories is a great way to get tons of one way link.

You can either do it yourself, which was what I did when I first started, or if you have the budget, get a freelancer to submit for you. You can get some cheap bargain here.

Step 4 – Set up 3 way link exchange

You probably are familiar with 3 way link. Yes, it’s one of my favorite tools too. If you are new, 3 way link is a little too ‘expensive’ for you. The price is $47 a month. Get it when you have 10-20 websites.

That’s all I do whenever I launch a new Adsense or product review site. Even without step 4, just by doing step 1 to 3 will get your website to PR 2-3.

What can you do with a PR 2-3 website?

Well, besides making money from Adsense and affiliate sales, you can sell link and make another $20 a month from each website you own. 


Email System

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Easy Ways Of Speeding Up Your Website Instantly


Many clients wonder why their website is slow and why it gets slower every couple of months. We often assist clients in determining issues with their website and sometimes even need to convince them that it is not related to their hosting service. It's like having a great car but a lousy chauffeur. No matter how good the car maybe and how fast it could go, if the chauffeur is not competent, the high-end car is worthless. In the same way, no matter how fast your hosting server is, if you do not have a well coded and well designed website, your website is bound to open with a crawl. This article helps draw the attention of website owners to the various things that can be done to speed up their website to make it more SEO friendly.

Clean Code

The most important thing you need to do to improve your website's load time is the clean and simple programming. There are some programmers who can obtain special effects on a page with 50 lines of code. There are better programmers who can achieve the same thing in 20 lines of code. This is dependent on the skills and experience of the programmer and the logical thought process. Even Search Engines want to serve up clean and quick content to their website visitors. They don't want to inflict upon their visitors a slow and cluttered website. The short solution is to Keep It Simple.

Onsite resources

When linking to images or other media that we like from an external website, we often prefer to load the image or music or video by embedding the other persons link in our own page. This is also known as hot-linking. Earlier, some webmasters used to do this to save on their own websites bandwidth usage by causing the image to load from another person's website and using up their bandwidth.

CDN and Content Caching

A CDN is a content distribution network, which distributes a mirror copy of your website across their global network of servers. When a visitor requests a page from your website, instead of contacting your web hosting server, it contacts the server closest to the visitor, which has a mirror copy of the website. This greatly reduces the time taken to access the page and serves up the content at lightning speed. From time to time, the cache of your website, which is mirrored on the CDN servers is updated. This means that any changes that you make on your website will not be updated across the CDN instantly and your visitors will see a delay in the fresh content. However, you may choose to cache only the static parts of your website which do not change very often, but the dynamic parts of the website can be called from your web hosting server directly.

You can also use page caching techniques to make your pages load faster by creating a temporary storage of the content on the users computer. This may cause a delay in displaying fresh content, but you can tweak the cache to only store the static pages to serve up faster.

Minimize Plugins and Frills

A major cause of your website slowing down is 3rd party plugins. We all want to connect with our audience on social media, but you should avoid using third party plugins for social networking. Some of these plugins pull statistics and display information from the plugin creator's website, which may lead your website to become slow. While your page loads, the information is constantly requested from the plugin makers website, which causes your page to remain waiting till the data is transferred from there. A slow plugin may cause your visitors to see the page loading indication in their browser and may also cause other parts of your page or other plugins to remain in the queue. This can drastically reduce the speed of your website pages. To avoid this situation, it is best to remove slow plugins and constantly monitor the page load speed accordingly.


Some compression tools which are inbuilt on your web server allow you to compress each request before sending it to your visitor's computer. When a visitor requests a webpage from your website, the server will zip up the page content and send the compressed information to the users browser. The visitors browser will then decompress the data and unzip the file for display. This reduces the size of the data being transferred, leading to a reduction in speed and also a reduction in data transfer usage. Compression takes up a bit of processing power on the visitor's machine and on the server, but the CPU usage is so negligible that it is worth the resources to increase the speed of the website loading.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

7 Secrets of Multi-Millionaires


Do you want a million dollars? Have you ever had a million dollars of cold, liquid, hard cash? Let's face it, a million dollars won't get you as far today as it used to. Fidelity Investments recently did a survey of multi-millionaires and found the following 7 secrets to be true.

1- Secret No. 1 is that you first have to decide that you want to be a self-made multi-millionaire.  To be financially free you must make a decision to be so.  This is a decision that only you can make for yourself.  No one else can make this decision for you.  Don't worry about figuring out the 'HOW TO' make the millions at this point.  You simply make a decision first.    Decisions come first, then the answers.  Not the other way around.  Once you make your firm decision to be a multi-millionaire, then the answers will come.

This decision should be a firm, unshakeable one that does not allow turning back when you face obstacles.    Not a hope, or wish, or affirmation, but a firm stick-to-it decision.

2- Secret No. 2 is to rid yourself of poverty thinking.  If you come from a not so well off, or poor background, this may be a lot more difficult for you than others.  Think about this for a second.  There is no shortage of money on this planet.  Only a shortage of people who feel they are not entitled to abundance or wealth.  Real wealth and abundance is not created from an attitude of lack, or not enough to go around.  You do have a choice in your thinking.  If you want multi-millions, then let go of the lack  mentality.

Poverty thinking comes from a lower income attitude, where fear runs your life.  Keep in mind that the FEAR is simply a made-up story based on a past experience.  We take this made-up story based on a past experience and project it into the future with the anticipation of it happening again.  This poverty mindset has got to be changed.  Your mind will drive you toward whatever it is you focus on.  So if you focus on lack, you will get more lack.

There is no shortage of opportunity in this country, only a shortage of vision.  Your attitude about money can be different from where you are currently regarding your finances.

Your thinking must change first, then the money will find a way to you.  It does not happen the other way around.  The thinking like a multi-millionaire always comes first.

3- Secret No. 3 is to treat having money like a duty.  Multi-millionaires not only have a desire for wealth but also to contribute to other people's lives.  They have a desire to contribute to the marketplace as a whole.  They see the difference they can make to the families, to the community and to charities.

4- Secret No. 4 is to surround yourself with mega-millionaires.  The old saying that your income approximates the 'average of your 5 closest friends' holds true.  After all, you can't learn very much from someone who doesn't have much.  If you desire to be wealthy, then learn from the already wealthy and follow their example.  What do they read?  How do they think?  How do they invest?  What drives them?  How do they stay motivated and excited?

5- Secret No. 5 is to work like a mega-millionaire.  Rich people treat time differently than poor people.  Rich people buy time.  Poor people sell time, or even worse, they give it away.  To the wealthy, time is more valuable than money.  You can always make more money, but you can't make more time.

Would a mega-millionaire hire a $20 per hour housekeeper, or do the work themselves?  They value their time much more than $20 per hour.  They would hire someone to do that work while they are making millions with their time.

6- Secret No. 6 is to shift your focus from spending to investing.  The rich understand that tax laws favor investing over spending.  When you invest, you are loading your guns for future profits with substantial tax advantages.  For example, your home business write-off, your vehicle used in your business, your rental property that produces income,  to name a few.  When you spend, that money is gone forever.

7- Secret No. 7 is to create multiple streams of income.  The rich never depend on one flow of income.  Why?  What would happen if that flow of income dried up?  You wouldn't be able to maintain.  Creating multiple revenue streams can be tricky however.  You must be careful not to lose focus by creating several streams all at once.  Give undivided attention to one stream of income and once that is successful, then look for another.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Affiliate Marketing Guide, Endless Opportunities Await You!


Affiliate programs make use of the huge online market to create some extra cash, which is always welcome in these hard times. However, if you're just starting a site or your site isn't making much profit, you might not know what to do. This blog consists of useful tips and tricks to substantially increase profits.

One way to increase revenue from your own affiliate products is to incorporate them into the email communication that you have with faithful customers. If you send out regular newsletters or special offers via email, include a link to your affiliates' products. This is an unobtrusive way to increase the exposure your affiliates get to your customers and thus your potential profits.

Don't expect immediate results. While some products will immediately start bringing in sales, others take time. Your return readers will help to build your sales gradually and this in turn, brings you the money from the company you work for. This isn't an instant turn around, but patience will help it pay off in the end.

Be serious as well as enthusiastic. People need to know that you genuinely love what you're doing, and they're curious about the reason why these products you're encouraging to sell are beneficial to you. Should you demonstrate to them that you're genuinely enthusiastic about a product, they may be much more likely to take an interest in it themselves.

Consider the tracking software that an affiliate company uses on their site. If the tracking software is unreliable, there is a good chance that you will not be credited for purchases that are made. Be sure that they track the phone, fax, and regular mail to be sure you are credited for all orders you send their way.

The most important thing you can do to achieve success in affiliate marketing is choose the right product. There are certainly a great deal of fake home loan scams and acai berries health supplements to lose weight on the market, however , associating yourself with products which have this sort of bad reputation will undoubtedly harm your own reputation, reducing sales in the future.

Look for "hot pages" that generate an unusual amount of traffic relative to the content on your site, and customize your affiliate pitch for those pages. A wide variety of affiliate marketers promote their products much the same way on all web pages of their website but, adding affiliate links more tightly in to a great article may increase sales a lot more than focusing on a site-wide marketing and advertising plan.

Be proactive while you are writing your article. Use lots of keywords and phrases that the vast majority of people will use to search for that subject matter. Using these keywords will increase the chances that it will come up in search engine results, which is where most people go to find their information.

As was mentioned before in the article, affiliate programs can be a very nice source of income. However, if you're lazy and uninterested in making your site attractive to your audience, your site will surely fail. You need to put in your time and effort if you want to see any rewards.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Why Nothing Has Happened With Your Home Based Business Ideas


Do you feel that you're always on the look out for home based business ideas but you never go further than just looking? Sometimes it just can seem easier to stay in your comfort zone. Our comfort zone is our living, work, and social environments that we have grown accustom too. It determines a lifestyle we accept or reject.

Remaining in your comfort zone means that you may miss the opportunity on the  the fastest growing business medium ever - the internet. New home based business ideas show up every single day in the world of online business. Are you prepared to miss out?

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone.

If you don't go outside of your comfort zone, you'll never start a home based business. All business owners are anxious before they start a new venture. It was no easier for them than it is for you. A new business takes time, education and commitment.

Your development as a person grows every time you move a little away from your comfort zone. Consequently, your comfort zone increases which makes it easier to push yourself to new limits.

Know What You Want To Achieve.

By way of example, one of the benefits of an online home based business is checking your computer each morning and finding that you have been making sales and generating income on autopilot throughout the night. Other advantages are that you do not have to answer to a boss or work for anybody else, you can take time off and holidays when ever you want and your profits are directly associated to how much, or how little, work you do. You have to clearly visualize all of these things.

Of course, you also have to accept the possible challenges that may come along. There will be falls on tour online business journey and from time to time not everything will happen as you have wanted. But use these as lessons to help you go forward, rather than drive you back. The key to improving and expanding your comfort zone is to increase your self-image and level to what you want, then find opportunity to make the objective a reality.

When our subconscious accepts what we are visualizing it will work to make it a reality. If you stay to your comfort zone, to what you know, without ever changing, you cannot assume your life and home based business ideas will just happen. Keep in mind, that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Monday, September 20, 2021

5 Innovative Ways To Advertise Your Web Site


1. Directory Linking
Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic.
Give people the option of adding the directory to
their web site by linking to it. Put your business
advertisement at the top of the director's home
page. This technique will get lots of people to link
to your web site and give you free advertising.

2. Bonus Advertising
Do you have a product or service that doesn't sell
good? Offer it as a free bonus for someone else's
product or service. Get free advertising by placing
your web site or business ad on the product or in
the product package.

3. Autoresponder Trade
Trade autoresponder ads with other businesses.
If both of you send out information with auto-
responders just exchange a small classified ad
to put at the bottom or top of each other's
autoresponder message.

4. Tip Line
Start a free tip line. Offer a free daily, weekly, or
monthly tip recorded on your voice mail. The tips
should be related to your business. Include your ad
for your web site or business at the beginning or
end of your message.

5. Content Swap
Exchange content with other web sites and ezines.
You could trade articles, top ten lists, etc. Both
parties could include a resource box at the end of
the content.

Quote of the Day:

"Many people assume that mental and physical abilities
necessarily decline with age, that we are, after age
twenty-five, losing significant brain capacity on a daily
basis. In reality, the average brain is capable of
improving with age." -- Michael Gelb and Tony Buzan



Saturday, September 18, 2021

What Is The Best Home Based Business To Start In 2021?


People from all walks of life have been able to start their own home based business thank to the internet. You don't have to be a computer wizard to set up your own business online. Here are 5 good reasons why an online business is the best home business to start in 2021.

1. Growing Market Of Potential Customers.

Around 40% of the world population (over 3 billion people) have an internet connection today and this number continues to grow each month as new internet users come online. The rise of smartphones and better connectivity has enabled people to browse online when ever they want and they could be buying from your online home based business.

2. Low Set Up Costs.

Ambitious entrepreneurs have often been restricted by the high costs of starting a traditional offline business. One of the reasons that an online business is the best home business to start is that the set up costs are small. You do not even have to develop and produce your own products. You can generate income by selling other businesses' products or services, and they will pay you a commission on what you sell.

3. Wide Choice Of Markets.

The best home business to start is one that interests you. There are an almost unlimited number of different sectors and markets that you can get involved in via the affiliate marketing business model. The most important thing is to decide what type of service or product your business is going to sell. If your product selection is too diverse then your customers will become very confused and probably not buy anything from you.

4. Quick And Easy To Start

Before the internet, if you were starting a home based business, you would have to buy stock, invest in inventory and ensure that you had a sufficient number of potential customers within a reasonable distance to make your business work. You would also have to keep your business open for as many hours and days per week as you could physically manage. But an online business requires no stock and can stay open for business 24/7 to potential customers from all over the world - even while you are sleeping!

5. No Formal Qualifications Needed.

You can start an online home based business regardless of your age, education, background or technical skills. If you have determination and the enthusiasm to learn you can succeed. At the beginning, you don't even need a website, so there's no technical challenges that can stop you either. If you're willing to commit to making it work, you're ready to go.

Entrepreneurship - Ways To Achieve Success In Your Personal Endeavor


I am not convinced when people say successful entrepreneurs are only those who are bristling with innovative ideas and usually 'think out of the box' (to use a cliché).

I do not discount the fact that lateral thinking has led to some great accomplishments, but success comes with being able to implement brilliant concepts wisely.

What makes a successful entrepreneur?

One has to be truly passionate about what one is endeavoring to do. If you are a team, then the other team members should possess the same fervor for the enterprise you are dreaming to set up.

Successful entrepreneurs do not shift their focus away from the task on hand. They also do not take in more than they can chew. In a nutshell, their application is single-minded.

When one cuts corners while executing a task, the whole exercise of trying to be a success falls through. Successful entrepreneurs know that! That is why they strain their every sinew to achieve what they have set out for. So even if they fail, they take solace from the fact that they had put in their best efforts.

If the above point is taken into consideration, then you will also be prepared to accept that the road to achievement of your goal could be very long. Patience is the operative word. It is, therefore, important not to fret when hurdles crop up along the way. Later on, the attendant milestones will make you feel that it was worth it.

One should be flexible and nimble-footed throughout the journey to possible success. It will help you learn many things along the way and let you change your tactics when required. That way you will never feel down and out.

Select your team well at the outset. It is better to choose people with skill sets which are different from your own, although it may be natural to be drawn towards the ones who work in a fashion that is similar to yours.

Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you are being a pioneer. Few if not many might have already trodden the path that you are following.

A plan that you have drawn at the initial stages must go through various phases of tweaking. You will invariably realize that many things that you had envisioned during the drawing board stage are not viable after all.

Compensate generously those who have put in their best efforts on the route. This a key point to keep in mind as they will be encouraged to give you more in the future. It also does not hurt to look beyond your business when you exhibit a goodwill gesture. It does make you feel better about yourself!

Friday, September 17, 2021

20 Techniques for Website Explosion


Does your website need more action?  More activity?  More traffic?  More interaction?  Listed below are 20 techniques you can implement to increase your website traffic.  Over time you will see drastic increases in website activity.

1 - Build your list.

This is absolutely the most crucial.  It is fundamental to your online business.  Using e-books, free reports, free gifts, free pdf downloads, etc. you must have a list.  Your list is your ultimate tool for online success.  Be creative here.  Offer coupons, discounts, special promos, whatever is necessary to build your list.  Remember, you have to provide great value in exchange for an email address.

2 - Create a Newsletter.

You must stay in touch with your website visitors.  Whatever niche you are in, provide something of 'value' to your subscribers.  It's imperative to stay in touch.

3 - Build you own website.

Build a separate website designed to attract visitors, not for direct sales.  Once again, we are attempting here to build a list, not make a sale.  Keep it simple here, nothing fancy.

4 - Create an affiliate program.

An affiliate program is where total 'explosion' can occur.  It's kinda like not having only one person driving your product or 'free gift' but thousands.  Make sure the affiliate program is geared toward offering a great benefit to the affiliate.  There has to be a huge incentive in order for the affiliate to promote your product.  You can get started at Clickbank, Amazon, Ebay, etc.

5 - Have a niche product with limited availability.

If you have a product with 100,000 units available there is no urgency.  Keep your product availability very limited, targeted and focused.  The less there are available, the more demand you create.  Use plain common sense here.

6 - Develop a unique selling perspective (USP).

In other words, why does your business separate itself from others?  What makes your product or service more desirable?  Here's an example of a great USP that turned around a struggling pizza franchise.  Do you recognize this, "Delivered Hot and Fresh in 30 Minutes or Less...OR IT'S FREE"?  That's right Domino's Pizza.

7 - Sell Content (Not Products).

You are simply building a relationship with your potential customer.  Know, like and trust comes before the sale.  Provide quality content first.

8 - Offer an oppurtunity for customer to purchase on every page of your website.

The thought here is to provide some type of offer on the thank you page when your new subscriber signs up to your offer, newsletter, etc.

9 - Make sure you automate.

Automation is simply using your autoresponder to provide pre-written messages at pre-determined dates and times to your list.

10 - Market Yourself as an Expert.

Your customers may like your  product, but they buy from you.  If they don't know, like and trust you, it doesn't really matter about the product.

11 - Add a signature file to your email.

This is probably the easiest, free way to steadily grow your business.  We all send several emails daily and obviously that person already knows you.  Provide your email reciipient an opportunity to do business with you.

12 - Use Powerful Headlines and Descriptions.

Your headlines and descriptions can make or break your sales.  Simply do a google search for "Words That Sell" and use those.

13 - Devote 30 Minutes per day to your business.

Most internet marketers I know spend a lot more than 30 minutes per day on their business.  However, if you work a 9 to 5 currently, 30 minutes per day is necessary.  Be consistent.

14 - Get on all guru's newsletter.

Sign up for all newsletters and free gifts, offers, etc.  Your internet education is priceless.  Get on the newsletter of the big guru's and do what they do.  You can learn from them.

15 - Create a suggestion box for customer feedback.

You can improve your website, offer, product by getting feedback from your customers.  Find out the ins and outs of what you have to offer.

16 - Offer contests and freebies.

When you offer some type of contest with a free prize, you are creating activity and interaction on your site.  Make sure your prize offers real value.  Ask yourself, "Would I want to win that prize"? If not, offer something your would like to win.

17 - Use Creative pop-ups and exit windows.

Statistics show that pop-ups and exit windows increase your sales by 10-20%.  Be selective here and avoid overuse of pop-ups.  They can be a nuisance if misused.

18 - Use article marketing.

Providing quality content via articles creates quality backlinks to your site and increases your search engine rankings.  If you can't write, hire someone to do it.  (,, etc.)  There are free article directories and paid submission sites (

19 - Have fun.

Running an online business can be very demanding.  Have fun with it.  With a long-term approach your business will grow over time. Make sure you are having fun.

20 - Build a List.

Oh, I think I've covered that one already.  But it is the most important.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Why You Should Think Thrice Before Taking a Dedicated Server


We are all prone to wanting more in almost everything life offers. This is also common to buying website hosting - we want more. More hosting space, more processing power, more RAM and more bandwidth as well. We want a bigger, meaner machine which has all the bells and whistles that your money can buy. But we rarely stop to think, whether we really need it and whether that is really the solution to everything. This article tries to reason why you should rethink your purchase of a Dedicated Server for your website or web application.

Misled by Developers

The most common cause of goofing up a dedicated server decision is due to being misled by your software developers or designers. Many a time, they have no clue how much of the resources they will really need and want to save themselves the trouble of migrating your data at a later stage, hence they coax you into believing that you need a monster configuration server which will magically solve all your problems. The less experienced the developer is, the less empirical or statistical evidence he will show you, for justifying the purchase. 3 years back, we received an email from a friend, asking us for a very high configuration machine. When we realized he was being guided by his developer, we suggested that they do a trial run on a small 5 GB shared hosting account. Till date, they have not needed more than that and are very happy we saved them the huge expenditure.

Warped Estimates

Before we suggest a Dedicated Server, we request the client to send us an estimate of his requirements and how he has come to that conclusion. Most of the time, the client has made wrong calculations and drastically changed the entire estimation by using predicted figures, which may not actually work in a production environment. This may mean that he has either under-estimated the requirement and will need to upgrade the server in the short term or he has overestimated the requirements and goes for an overkill solution. There are numerous benchmarking tools, which can help predict the exact amount of resources that the website or application requires and also helps test the limit of those resources.


In the past few years we have often heard from atleast 10 different clients, that their future plan is to make an "online portal like Facebook". While that may seem like a very progressive thought, it is often accompanied by a lack of planning and exaggeration. Ofcourse everyone wants to be the best, but they want to do it overnight, without looking into the path travelled by the industry giants. This over ambition eclipses their decision of doing some realtime tests and then jumping into the project in full swing. We often see that those who take a dedicated server, drop the idea by the 5th or 6th month, when they realize that their requirement was miniscule or their goal is not achievable at the time.

Laziness to troubleshoot

Another common reason why people want to go in for a Dedicated Server is because they don't want to get down to the root of the issue of high resource usage, but instead would like to work around the issue by pumping in more hardware resources. A blaring example would be that of a small time ecommerce portal, which was so badly coded that the SQL queries kept getting throttled due to being slow, clumsily written and buggy. Rather than modifying the query to its optimum best, the webmaster chose to add more CPU resources by upgrading the server. This solved the problem for a few weeks, till the query started taking more time. Thereafter he went in for a better configuration server. This time, in a few weeks the same problem cropped up and he realised that the problem lay in his SQL coding and not in the server. He has now happily switched to shared hosting and has got the SQL beautifully optimized. His laziness definitely cost him time and money, but it also made him wiser for the long-term.

Monday, September 13, 2021

The 7 Principles For Free Website Traffic


Every online business owner wants to get more website traffic free. Traffic is the lifeblood of all online businesses and if you have no traffic, it means you have no customers and that means you have no business. Without a doubt, it is vital that you have a consistent flow of website traffic if your online business is to succeed. Let's take a look at 7 basic fundamentals about free website traffic and search engine rankings.

1. Produce Quality Content.

If your website does not provide any value, the search engines will ignore it. The search engines will deliver free traffic to your website if it provides more valuable content, products or services than your competitors' websites.

2. Write A Blog.

An interesting blog that contains useful information will maintain and improve website traffic due to the fact that readers will keep returning to the blog to read the latest updates. If the blog is good, your readers will also recommend it to others within your target audience.

3. Know Your Keywords.

Know what keywords your audience use on search engines and place the primary and secondary keywords within the first and last 25 words in your page content. You should aim for about 500 words per page with between 4 and 8 keywords on it. The number of keywords on the page is called keyword density. Remember that you have to write so that it can be read by people, not just by search engines.

4. Use Social Media.

Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ can open your business to a whole new audience. If you produce high quality content that is related to your business, service, or product and people share it on social media, you can potentially get free website traffic from thousands of people.

5. Article Marketing.

Article marketing is still an effective strategy to get free website traffic, but you can't just bash out few hundred words with a link to your website and expect it to bring in a flood of traffic. Effective article marketing is about creating content that demonstrates your expertise and contains valuable and relevant information that makes the reader want to visit your website to discover more.

6. Video Marketing.

Another very powerful and effective way to increase free website traffic is video marketing. YouTube is the second largest search engine and with the easy to use technology available on tablet computers and mobile phones you can make a video and get it online easily and quickly.

7. Post New Content Regularly.

Websites that regularly publish new information typically get more website traffic free than those which don't. Ensure that you update your website with new blog posts, content articles, opinions, and audience interactions. This online activity will improve your website rankings and create more awareness of your products and services.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

5 Skills You Need To Learn For Your Online Home Based Business


An online home business allows you to be own boss and manage your business any way you want. But there are a number of skills you to master to help your results and make your business more profitable.

1. List Building.

List building is most likely the most important component to developing a sustainable online home business. This list building process is about obtaining email addresses of potential customers and putting them into a database. Generally, a prospective customer needs to see your message 7 times before they are inclined to make a decision to purchase from you. Email marketing provides a cost effective and proven tactic to communicate with your customers.

2. Respect And Reputation.

Customers like to deal with and buy from people that they respect. If you set out to sell anything to anybody in the quickest possible time, your work from home online business will not be around for long. If you would not send an email to personal friend, then don't send it to your list. In the same way, if you would not buy a product that you are trying to sell, don't expect the people on your list to buy it.

3. Product Choice.

You can sell products created by other people or you can sell products that you have created yourself. In either case, you need to make certain that what your marketing promises that the product will deliver, is really what is provided. It only takes one poor product to damage your reputation. Verify every product or service carefully before you promote it and stay away from products that promise outlandish results in return for little or no effort.

4. Providing Value.

Think of your online home business as 'telling' rather than 'selling'. If you are always trying to sell to your audience, they will start to tune out. But if you provide useful information, video tutorials, reviews, etc to your audience, they will come to see you as an authority in your niche. People who trust your opinions and knowledge will be more prepared to buy from you.

5. Automation and Outsourcing.

Often when starting an online home business your budget is limited and you try to do everything yourself. But at your business develops, you will need to invest in software that can do jobs for you automatically and look at tasks that you can outsource to others so that you can spend more time working tasks that generate profit. Software such as an email autoreponder is an absolute necessity for your email marketing. Another example could be that you're spending hours trying to create graphics, which you could easily outsource for a minimal cost on freelance websites like Elance and oDesk.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

And the Answer Lies With? 4 Key Elements of a Home Based Business


I just received an email from a perspective customer or downline memberop in my personal email account. He had opted in to an online marketing opportunity that I promote . He was curious about making money online, as we all are. His email went something like this: "Do you think your opportunity is really the answer? Just Curious."

First of all, before I comment or respond to this email, let me put myself in the position of the perspective downline member. The thoughts I consider include the following: I wonder what is going through his mind? What is he looking for? Is he trying to find a way to make a full-time or part-time income from home? Has he been unsuccessful thus far in his attempts? What service can I offer him to change his outlook? Can I change his outlook or even his financial future? Does he have any experience online or is he new to online marketing?

These are all questions I ask when someone approaches or inquires about me becoming their sponsor. You see, a sponsor is much more than a recruiter. I am not involved in recruiting per se. I am involved in sponsoring. What's the difference you ask?

Sponsor vs Recruiter

In my opinion, a recruiter is someone that attracts inquiries into online marketing opportunities via various online methods such as enticing ads offering to make so much money, offering pie in the sky get rich quick programs or schemes, offering retire in 30 day programs, etc. You get the picture. Now don't get me wrong here. These advertisments may allow you to achieve exactly what they entail. However, in my experience, the odds of that happening are slim and none.

A sponsor on the other hand, has a responsibility. A responsibility for the success of the newcomer. A responsibility to provide all he or she can in order for that person to achieve whatever it is they seek. When you as a sponsor, accept this responsibility, you separate yourself from those seeking to recruit.

In my opinion, there are 4 key elements to success in your home based business. The 4 elements are discussed below.

1. Is your business simple to understand?

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to figure out how a particular online business operates? What's more frustrating is trying to figure out how you are going to make money with a business you don't even understand. My advice is to take the advice of billionaire investor Warren Buffet. He says, and I paraphrase, "If I can't understand it, I'm not investing in it." Make sure you understand the business before getting involved.

2. Is your business easy to duplicate?

What's the point of internet or network marketing if newcomers can't duplicate the business? Exactly. None. Follow the McDonald's motto of "One on every corner that anyone can run" and your business will prosper.

3. Does your business have a simple marketing system?

The rule of thumb in any online business is the same as any offline or brick-n-mortar business. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. A simple marketing system should include one with easy to use lead capture pages, autoresponders, sales pages, and products.

4. Does you business have a simple product?

By now, you should be starting to see a pattern here for a successful online marketing business. That's right. The simpler the better. Make sure your product is simple, cost effective, easy to use, duplicatable, and helps others.

To answer the email above to the question, "Is your business opportunity the answer?", I would respond by saying this: "Any online marketing opportunity can provide you the vehicle to get you where you want to go. It's up to you to take it for a drive".

If your business contains the four elements above, then get behind the wheel and take action. The answer lies with "YOU".

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